Sep 10, 2024

Fuck your necrosight, Haley Joel Osment!

 You better watch your back, because there will be 4 ninjas who will want to avenge the death of Hamato Yoshi. Not only that but you took down a Defender of the Earth... You will have to face Flash Gordon, The Phantom, and Lothar as they avenge Mandrake...

Fuck your necrosight, Sora! You keep erasing my childhood heroes and villains. Fuck entropy! Fuck the circle of life! So take your little John Wilkes Booth eyes and shove them up your Ass, worst Universe's Casey Jones!

I think I covered most of Mr. Renaday's voice work, or at least his work that impacted me.
It was today that I FINALLY figured out that Richard Ames from MGS2 was Master Splinter... and Leonardo is Liquid Snake... and Raphael ended up becoming Grey Fox... 

Farewell, Master Yoshi. 

Now that child me and teen me have said their farewells and grieved, all that's left is for adult me to express his condolences to friends and family... 

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