Sep 1, 2024

Super7 New Silverhawks wave... WTF!?

 Bluegrass and Steelwill in vac metal. Mo-Lec-U-Lar and Windhammer are the figures...

New version above, Old version below: Note, I added a pic of the vintage toy iver empty space to showcase the color accuracy of the new Windhammer... and the accessory inaccuracy as well.

Seriously!? They not only have LESS Accessories in the new version, but the most important accessory is WRONG!? 

Mo-Lec-U-Lar is treated similarly.

New version above, old version below:
Seems that Mo-Lec-U-Lar got more New parts, but still less stuff at the same price point... it's a load of bullshit. Not as bullshit as Bluegrass and Steelwill getting less for more.

Even if I wanted this, I can't pre-order from Super7, since they're onky using Fed Ex for Puerto Rico. Now they added a $200+ shipping option, but the Matt Cardona Preorder HAD USPS Shipping for PR and lost it when the Silverhawks wave was added. They're making Digital River seem competent...

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