Nov 17, 2013

I guess I'm campaigning for Lodar

Well, my Geldor has shipped. So far I'm not excited about him coming. I mean, he looks OK and I could make a funny pic or two of him, but I just don't get the appeal on him. I mean Lodar looks more Badass than Geldor. You can check his mini-comic appearance on's Archive.

So, why I find Lodar more exciting than Geldor?

Sure, he has his arena of death and the slaves, but he actually attacks He-Man with his Magic. Forces him to fight Garn and when all that fails he goes Toe to Toe with He-Man. Geldor didn't do anything like that.

-Lodar looks Badass. OK to be fair Geldor looks OK-ish. (If you think Mr.T with a Biker Moustache and a little leather fetish is cool, whatever.) Lodar on the other hand looks like the Love-child of Snake Eyes and Shredder... but with magic powers from the sun and the moon.
He looks purplish to me, but the 4Horsemen could use better colors.
The higher contrast is to show which parts would work on him better. 

-He's Ridiculously Easy to make for Mattel. The guy is a new head, harness and Loincloth. (Worst Case Scenario, reuse Kobra Khan's, Bow's, or Mosquitor's)
Reusing the Normal Buck with Demo-Man's forearms and thighs, Vikor's right Bicep, Marzo's left hand and Keldor Boots make the main parts of his body. For accessories, well we have the Sir-Laser-Lot Mace from WP#4... so that takes that out of the equation and give me enough theoretical resources for a better accessory. What we have left is a Grayskull Stand in Dark Gray with Chains that can be plugged to it (Reuse the Scareglow reliquary cuffs for the handcuffs.)

-He did not DIE after his first appearance, so him coming back is more plausible than getting better after being devoured, or becoming a confused Nicolas Cage look-alike after King Hssss Superglued the depowered Amulet.

I know that Lodar looks like a gimp(as in BDSM) wearing the Road Warriors' shoulderpads. Besides he wouldn't be the first Purple gimp to grace MOTUC and MOTU has had some ridiculous designs before:
Snout Spout, Energy zoids come to mind.

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