Nov 12, 2013

Come with me if you want a soft-Reboot/Sequel!!

So, tuhminator something is likely to happen. Apparently it's kinda like Sarah Connor Chronicles but with no Summer Glau or Lena Headey... Game of Thrones References are coming. Well, Apparently casting for Sarah Connor was made in Westeros... They are considering The Mother of Dragons as Sarah Connor... On the other hand, John Connor likes to sniff Facehugger shaped Jockstraps...

I don't know... Do we NEED a new Tuhminator movie?
-Ahnuld is not getting any younger. The Last Terminator movie had to CGI an Arnold for the cameo...
-The movie is meant to have Ahnuld protecting a young Sarah Connor. Now think about that. It contradicts the first movie. If she has met with Ahnuld before, wouldn't this scene be different?

-It simply doesn't make sense to send the same model Over and Over again. As much as I dislike John Cena, he could work as a Terminator... Do we need a 67 Ahnuld saying "I'll be back" or "Come with me if you want to live?"

Hell, I'd say no, we did not need a new Terminator movie after T2: Judgment Day. No T3, no Sarah Connor Chronicles, no T4...

What's next: Commando II: Revenge of John Matrix? OK, jokes aside, Arnold can still do other action movies. I recently saw The Last Stand (forgot I had it) and I have to say that it still works as an action movie with Arnold in a

kind of way. But he should step back from the Terminator movies.

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