I'm also talking about the BBC Movie an Adventure in Space and Time which is based on the behind the scenes drama while making the Original Doctor Who.
That guy playing William Hartnell/The Doctor seems familiar, doesn't he?
Yes, you've seen it in the OTHER big British export...
So before I start, This is not a Doctor Who movie... We got that in the 90s with the 8th Doctor... The movie was pretty good, but required some past knowledge on Whovian Lore.
An Adventure In Space And Time is more a Behind the Scenes Re-enactment... Some knowledge of the original series is required, which BTW I enjoyed, well the 4-6 episodes I was able to see were pretty good. I'd dare say that I liked them more than some of the modern incarnations of the good Doctor (and I mean Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith)
We get to see the story of how Doctor Who made it against all odds... Not sure on the veracity of what the movie shows us, since all adaptations require to bend reality a little bit just to make the movie a bit more dramatic. I have to say that I only disliked 1 scene on the entire movie: The ending. I GET what they were trying to do, but it feels a bit forced especially when they also had the scene with Hartnell crying and the whole "I don't want to go" thing that I'm not sure if it was a nod to this.
Feels more like they're giving fans a few modern Doctor Who references than making the scenes more poignant. That ending scene pissed me off so much. It felt tacky.
Now for the Pony half of the Equation: A Fan-Made MLP Game that is pretty Awesome!!
MEGAPONY... what is Megapony? A fan game made by Khao Mortadios that combines My Little Pony with
Yes, it's a MLP Megaman game... Like old school Megaman games it's slightly hard until you figure out the Pattern. the story is basically this:
Discord has taken control of the Mane 6. Celestia summons a Fighting Robopony to save the day...

Look at the Loading Screen. Isn't it reminiscent of the awful art on the NES Cartridges?
I actually LAUGHED when I saw this screen. I mean Look at it. We have a weird Pony with a carrot on his helmet while holding a gun with his mouth standing on top of a toilet lid while Discord looks menacingly. I'm not even going to comment on the weird things in the back that I suppose they are buildings that look like other things that are definitely NOT Buildings.
The thing is that it captures the bizarreness of the NES Art PERFECTLY!
And once it game loads, the intro is reminiscent of Mega Man 2's intro and title screen but ponified.
I have to admit that I did say awwww! when I saw the Mega Pony without his helmet. Kinda looks like Shining Armor. Now that would have been a decent Plot Twist!

You can beat them by defeating the Robot Masters or in this case: the Elements of Harmony. You go through the stages and fight the end boss. get your power up and use it to easily beat another boss.
The weaknesses of each boss are a bit hard to figure out since the show doesn't show which Element of Harmony is stronger than the other. There's a few hints based on the show. Rarity doesn't like getting Dirty, so Tossing some apples at her can hurt her. Rainbow Dash doesn't Dress in Style in Friendship is Magic... You could Bedazzle the heck out of her...
You do here and you look more like the Pony that you defeated. As you can see on this pic, Mega Pony defeated Twily.
It's a cool fan game...
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