Before I start this rant, I need to do a couple of warnings:
I'm not saying that THEY MUST MAKE ALL THE VARIANTS I'm Mentioning. I understand why people can be a bit turned off by them... Smash Blade He-Man Flashbacks and all that. With the Line wrapping up, I know variants have taken a back seat and I understand that. It's that some of them were pretty cool and it would be a shame to miss out on them.
Feel free to list your favorites (not necessarily the ones on my list) on the comments section Below.
Snake Armor King Grayskull:
Yes, you read correctly. I'm choosing the Snake Armor variant to be a King Grayskull variant. Mostly because he's a 200X Character and that's a 200X Variant. Besides popping in a He-Man head gets you the Snake Armor He-Man.
Savage Catra: (a Toy Based Normal Catra.)
I chose the Savage name since Catra's Variants have names that would make no sense in Classics (due to the Non-Action features aspect of the line.) Seriously, Scratching Sound or Shower Power would make no sense if they cannot wet people or make scratching sounds.
Canonically speaking this Catra could be the one that stays on Etheria after Hordak was killed and the Twins of Power "left to the stars".
Starburst She-Ra: You should have known this was coming. Especially since I mentioned a Toy based Catra. The main Reason for a Starburst She-Ra is to get one with the Vintage Toy chestplate.
The Laser Variants: (Laser Light Skeletor and Laser Power He-Man)
They show up on the mini-comic that comes with The Un-Named One. They almost have all the pieces for LL Skeletor with the NA Figure... Just a Translucent Red Horde Prime Right Hand, The Classic Havoc Staff in Translucent Red and a new Skele-face on a hood (I vote for Mattel using the Dittzhood or the Preternia He-Man Hood.
For He-Man well, a new Head, I want my Dolph Lundgren Mullet for He-Man dammit!! Also, these two scream SDCC Two-Pack.
200X Sorceress:
(Make her ascended Teela or something.) I like the 200X Sorceress, especially in vintage colors, and while yes, I will make Princess Sunbutt jokes with her, it's not THE reason I want her. I think her design is cool...
It's the only GOOD thing to come from the NU52 MOTU... (Yes, I've said that the comic is getting better SLOWLY) but if we can only have 1 SINGLE ITEM FROM NU52 in MOTUC, I choose Despara... (Force Captain Adora looking more like a member of the Horde)
Battle Armor Marlena:
While this is a 200X Variant of Marlena, I could accept the Filmation head on her for consistency's sake. Astronaut Marlena looks a bit silly and I need a Marlena to put with the BA Randor since My Marlena is with Filmation Randor.
Snake Mekaneck:
For the same reasons that I wanted Snake Man-At-Arms... To make a 200X Mekaneck.
200X Adam and Teela:
I know that the Teen Bucks are a big no-no to Mattel right now. On the other hand, Teela is highly desired and the Mint-on-Card Collectors need a Single Carded Adam. I know that an "Adult Body" Adam defeats the whole Teen Adam thing, but we pretty much have all the pieces needed to make him.
We only need a new Jacket and maybe a head.
Teela on the other hand gives us a shot at a Teela on the 2.0 body. (The head with the Longer Ponytail is a sweet bonus!)
There are some variants that I may be missing like Movie versions of the characters which are unavailable, or some like Pre-Anchors Aloft Sea Hawk, that while cool would be a bit unnecessary. Other variants, I simply don't give a damn about like Smash Blade He-Man.
I think reworking SB She-Ra into a Galactic Protector She-Ra would be a great way to please a few crowds while also tying her into the MOTUC story. I'm definitely hoping to see her in the future.