Nov 11, 2013

The He-Man Movie seems to be getting better and better... (Being sarcastic BTW)

Before I start this rant, let's make clear one thing: While the NU52 MOTU HAS Gotten better, it's far too removed from what Normal MOTU is. I mean earlier issues were atrocious, now they're OK-ish and what does this have to do with the movie?


I have ranted on multiple times about the NU52 MOTU
Here, here, here, here and here. Well, My worst fears have been officially made true.
You can read the whole thing here. Meanwhile, I'll point out the scary part and link the Worst Possible Thing MLP video...
Under Voss’ leadership, Playground is coming up with three-year storytelling plans for Mattel’s brands that involve every division of the company, from toy designers to consumer products, marketing and social-media teams in order to launch what Mattel calls tentpole events — another sign that the toymaker is borrowing heavily from Hollywood. For an eventual live-action feature film tied to He-Man, for instance, a team is working with DC Comics on a line of books whose stories will weave their way into the movie.

So, let's see what we can Expect on a MOTU Movie...
-Kill Frenzy Teela
-the I AM THE POWER thing...
-Evil Orko
-The not so great NU52Designs like Extremis Armor He-Man... That seem to have originated from MATTEL...

I was going to make a Ben10 Reference, but I chose He-Man
keep it within Mattel
This is what worries me. While the writing for the movie COULD be Theoretically better than the NU52, we will get a combo of the Neitlichverse and NU52... This is why many people (including myself) have COMPLAINED about the MOTUC Canon and how it would influence future media. In the Sir-Laser-Lot issue we saw the whole "Fear of Spector" that Skeletor had. I've already ranted on how I fear Mattel's "creative input" will meddle and interfere more than help get the movie out... Then again, Mattel themselves have no idea on how to work this brand.

You know that I've talked about the horrendous DC designs originating from Mattel, right? Well, that is proof that Mattel has no real idea how to deal with MOTU.  The only exception is Despara, but that's a rant for another time. While He-Man's design stems from Barbarian Origins, the Characters surrounding him are the ones that give off the Fantastic and Alien looks that suit the world of Eternia.

Then again, Mattel tweaked Max Steel from something original, albeit slightly dated now(Secret Agent/Extreme Sportsman) to a generic Superhero show. I mean if you look at NU-Max fully armored he looks like a certain Female Bounty Hunter...

and yes, I'm talking about Samus Aran from Nintendo's Metroid. The Fully armored bodysuit makes sense for Max (Hell, it could have worked as well on the old Max as an N-Tek high tech sneaking suit.)  On the Other hand it makes no sense to have He-Man: the Most Powerful Man in the Universe armored up from head to toe... The Semi-Nude figure of He-Man running around in a Loincloth and a chest harness (to hold his sword) Oozes POWER having him standing next to the armored forms of Man-at-Arms, Mekaneck, and King Randor. Take the NU52 He-Man, remove the fur on his shoulders and the H... Not very He-Man-esque, right? Could work on Max Steel, right? THAT is where I wanted to arrive.

Combine that with a storyline that seems to MOCK the property... and the Worst Character of them all NU52 Teela. Which means: This could end up in a Baysaster... Making money while being absolutely crappy. It's a shame that my favorite Childhood property...  Toy Property cannot get the decent treatment it deserves in alternate media. With each bit of news I read, I lose faith on this project... It's still better than when the hack known as Justin Marks was the writer.

I understand that Fantasy Movies are hard to write and Direct in this day and Age. Things like The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Game of Thrones are a Rarity. The direction that Mattel and DC seem to be taking is streamlining everything a bit too much. They ditched The Secret... the biggest no-no for a comic book series. Seriously, if a comic company cannot handle the whole Secret Identity thing with He-Man, then something's wrong!

Since Mattel seems to be distancing from Traditional MOTU (as seen with the new designs and the mandates imposed on DC) not to mention that the MAX STEEL Reboot shows that they are willing to CHANGE the property completely for the sake of money...  Generic Superheroes are a dime a dozen... A Barbarian-Superhero, now that's not something that happens every day. Hopefully this whole DC influence is the Mattel person talking out of his ass and they stick to a more Traditional MOTU.

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