Oct 31, 2017

Why do I love Halloween?

Being raised on a myriad of Christian sects due to family following different sects, I'm supposed to have mixed reactions to Halloween. From the "It's the Devil's birthday" to "it's an appropriation of pagan festivities and turned into something approved by the Church, like Christmas"
To me it's simply a commercialized day exploited by candy and costume companies. No religious connotations.
I've mentioned the candies already, so I won't get into that. What I love the most is the costumes. From the straight up store bought stuff, to the cosplay level stuff. Few years ago, I did Stay Puft. I've done Edward Cullen and Steven Seagal. This year, I went with an actor that is somehow very popular in Germany.

Yes, I went as a man who does not exist. Since not everyone got the reference I had the KR theme on loop for five hours... That can become annoying really fast, but I was having fun with it while I worked. When people figured out that I was the Hoff, they began laughing thanks to the absurdity of the situation. Seeing a Zombie Santa hanging out with Hello Kitty and Peter Quill is a hilarious situation. Even seeing Multiple Spideys can be fun or headache inducing if you were a Marvel fan in the 90s.
Seeing the effort or lack of it out into the costumes is amazing... Getting free candy is an added bonus. In any case I have to get home because of a curfew... I REALLY NEED POWER... of the electric kind. Next year I should be George Lucas...

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