Nov 15, 2020

Rick Moranis was assaulted last month. His allegged attacker was arrested.

 This whole saga slipped out of my radar. Last month, Rick Moranis was sucker punched and knocked down by a random attacker.
The alleged attacker was arrested yesterday  (Nov. 14). If this person is indeed the one who attacked Moranis, I hope he is punished to the full extent of the Law. If he isn't the one, I hope nothing happens to him and that the real guilty party is found and punished as the Law mandates.

But seriously, who in their right mind would attack Rick Moranis!? I would understand attacking Bill Murray... like say for ruining for decades the chance for a Real Ghostbusters 3 (see what I did there) or for making Garfield 2 a tale of two kitties. Hell, even attacking Dan Aykroyd for allowing Ghostbusters 2016 to even exist... Why do I feel that I need to point out that my last statements about Murray and Aykroyd were jokes peppered with dark humor. At least I didn't make a joke about Ernie Hudson appearing in Dragon Ball: De-evolution...

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