Mar 8, 2021

Pepe Le Pew: a rant

 Pepe Le Pew is the newest threat to children because he's a rapist... or so the Loony ones want you to believe. OK, one could argue that his perennial chase of Penelope the cat can be seen as stalking and borderline harassment... from a certain point of viee.

The issue about Pepe is that his Skunk stench makes him ubappeing to Penelope the Cat. When he uses nice scents, she goes crazy for him.

If he's this insidious harasser, Penelope wouldn't be AFTER HIM if he smells nice.
Sure, we've all made the "Pepe Le Violeur" jokes. Lowest hanging fruit and all that, but
Is it really? 

Another cartoon where the Cat puruses Le Violeur...  but is he REALLY a Rapist? Or a Victim? First, he's "French"... or a French Stereotype. To Americans, at the time these cartoons were made, The French seemed too Libertine compared to the USAmerican Prudishness. Seriously, the USA folks get freaked out by European social dynamics... "too much kissing and other touchy feely stuff".
Then there's the "Smelly French" Stereotype... so Pepe has the odds against him. But here's the thing: isn't he being Catfished? 

She's not a skunk, but pretends to be one and even chases Pepe when it's convenient to her.

No, seriously, she has painted her skunk stripe on purpose as well...

So, the "Pepe Le Violeur" argument is as bad as Judging Aquaman by a joke inspired by the Superfriends cartoon. Yes, he's not a Politically correct character and yes it's based on Xenophobic Stereotypes, but he is not a rapist, nor perpetuating rape culture. His bad odor has been the only reason why She doesn't reciprocate the feelings.

Whenever the odor issue is neutralized, she becomes a much more ravenous lover than he is.

There is far more "rape culture" content in romantic comedies than Pepe Le Pew.

I guess I'll save Lola Bunny for another rant.

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