Jan 31, 2025

Haley Joel Osment has watched He-Man

 First, I lost MY He-Man, the Latin American dub VA... now with a heavy heart I must mention that OG He-Man has died. My hero has died. 

I saw the LatAm Dub first, since that was before cable. Once I had cable I was able to watch He-Man and She-Ra as they were meant to be on the USA Cartoon Express... circa 1989. That's when I learned to appreciate John Erwin as Adam/He-Man. 

I honestly don't know what to say. My hero has lost his voice. Only Skeletor remains... Literally only 2 voice actors of the show are left. Alan Oppenheimer, who voiced Skeletor and Man-at-Arms. The other VA Erika Scheimer, voiced additional voices.

My condolences to Friends and Family.

Jan 29, 2025

Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man: Thoughts

 Disney dropped the first to episodes of FNSM.
First I must make some ammendments to previous statements:
The Asian "MJ" is not MJ but Nico Minoru a minor Doctor Strange character.
"Black Flash Thompson" is Lonnie Lincoln.. Joseph Robertson's nemesis, Tombstone. 
The Spider bit Peter AFTER Ben Parker's death and it came from another world thanks to Doctor Strange who was fighting a Symbiotic Alien. Not even finished Episode 1 and they're trying to shove Venom down our throats.

This is taking a MASSIVE diarrhea after taking a MASSIVE dump on Spider-Man lore. I'm not touching the black Osborns, because it's the least offensive part of this show. Aside the massive defecation over Spider-Man lore, the show "isn't bad..." from a certain point of view.

If the show wasn't called Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man and it was about some other kid who got a different powerset, the show would be Amazeballs. But it's called FNSM and it shits all over Spidey's lore... show premiered today and got Season 2 and 3 approved.

TAS and Spectacular are the superior shows...

Genderbent blackwashed Lizard... and Amadeus Cho on Ep. 2... Spidey lore is now part of Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated.

Jan 28, 2025

Irma Variants: a Rant:

 Abut if time ago, I talked about Irma on a rant about me bitching how Casey's leg exploded. Then I mentioned that after seeing NECA Irma in person, S7 has their work cut out for them.

From Then, I had a few changes of heart:

I no longer want Vanilla Irma to come with Both Playmates and Toon inspired outfits. I still want the soft goods outfits to be removable. (Will explain later).

OK let's begin:

Vanilla Irma:
Toon outfit and like I mentioned in my past rant, she'd have the aerobics outfit under the soft goods Irma clothes.

2 heads:
Angry bandana head

-Purse (as she has used as a weapon on occasion.)
-Press Pass as she works for Channel 6
-a stungun or pepper spray as she's a single woman who has to walk 80s-90s NYC Streets at night.
-Turtle Communicator as she's a friend of the Turtles.
-Foot Soldier rifle

That's it for her.

Turtle Terminator:

This is the reason why I wanted removable soft goods clothing.

The Turtle Terminator should have the same neck peg as Irma so we can swap heads between both figures.

3 heads:
Irma head
Turtle Terminator head
Half and half head (reference to the Terminator)

Now the Body should be the Turtle Terminator endoskeleton BUT the arms and legs should pop out at the elbow and knee joints to swap from endoskeleton to "Irma disguise". Since Irma wears a Turtleneck sweater, a slip on piece could be put before putting on her clothes.

Irma disguise:
Pointing left hand
Peace sign right hand

Alternate lower legs
Alternate forearms
Slip on neckpiece
Electromagnetic energy effect for dramatic hands
2× battle damage effect for arms
2× Battle damage effect for legs
Soft goods clothes (sweater, skirt, vest, and other sweater all in Playmates colors.)

The figure would be packaged with the half and half head with the Robotic arm and leg from the half that is robotic. She'd be wearing her skirt, the green vest over the Purple sweater with the yellow sweater tied to her waist. (You can change them to be more vintage accurate, but I'm choosing to pack her that way to avoid Complaining from Playmates)

This is the reason I wanted to have removable clothes without making me sound like a pervert.

Now What OTHER Variants I could do:

I wouldn't go for Toon accuracy here. I would go for a more Varnerized  look for Irma. Irma (and Vernon) would get new bodies for the ratformation... sorry Transformation.

Irma's new rat body would be nude in order to wear a torn turtleneck sweater, mostly torn at the neck and giving her a bit of a neckline. The skirt would be torn at the sides and have a hole slightly under the back clasp for the tail. While Rat Irma won't be able to wear normal Irma's clothes, Normal Irma can wear the slightly stretched out clothes. Her rat face should resemble Toy Splinter wearing an Irma wig and ill fitting glasses. Her feet would be full rat feet poking out of her broken socks.

For hands, the usual hands but ratty

One Sexy Rat King head from the canceled wave 10 figure. Wererat Vernon would bring the other.
Rat flinging Crossbow. Don't let Rat King get this.
Vieux Boulogne grenades 
Cheese wheel shield

Moth Irma:

We could Varnerize the figure a bit.
The Rat Irma Forearms could be Reused for the hairy moth arms with new hands.
The torso would have to be plastic with a plastic sweater for the first time. For articulation reasons the skirt needs to be soft goods and shredded to add more insect-like lower legs to her tights and busted ass for her Insect "butt". I know it's called an abdomen. But the human abdomen is not the same as the insect abdomen, so Moth Irma would have 2 abdomens.

She would only get a single Moth Irma head.

Silk snare
This Irma head. Stop it! I don't intend to use it for perverted means! It could work as a Transforming head for Irma.

Irma Gaiden:
It's not a reference to the Tecmo game, but to the Mutant Turtles Gaiden comic where Irma is a blonde Bimbo and turns into a spiky haired Barbarian with the Muramasa Blade.
Ignore Pokémon Trainer April, which I would buy, or else my little Incubus mascot would kill me in my sleep. I'd probably buy two... but we're here to talk Irma.
She'd require new parts... namely Torso and crotch, also new feet, since this Irma is supposed to be not as dorky as normal Irma.

Yes, her shirt and skirt MUST be soft goods, since her powered up form is literally 
Her in her underwear while going super saiyajin.

Her accessories would be her clothes and Muramasa Blade. Maybe toss in an Archie Comics Irma head, since it's unlikely we get an Archie Irma Figure. (IIRC some Italian comics had a similar looking Irma.) 

I mean, goes blonde, wears less clothes and acts more barbaric... where have I seen that before?

Hell, they could add a Tiffany head and dress to pull off a Hawke/Delora multi dip thing.

For example:
2 vanilla Irmas
1 Turtle Terminator 
1 Irma Gaiden

Vanilla Irma 1 stays as is, is Toon Irma
Putting the Playmates clothes on Vanilla Irma 2 with the Archie head, you get an additional character.
Turtle Terminator gets toon accurate clothes
Irma Gaiden wears her Tiffany accessories you have 4 different characters.

Nefty, you're forgetting ONE April and Irma Variant!

No, I am not, Cade... I already asked for removable clothes for most Irmas, one of her heads is borderline an Ahegao face. I have the big tittied Japanese Irma with the possibility of making a Tiffany figure and you want me to suggest the Belly Dancing Irma and April from Shredderville? While we're at it, do you want a cockaroach April and Renet Funky Towel 2-pack? 

Fuck you Nefty! No one wants a stupid pair of cockroaches...

Just shut up, Cade! 

Tyler Hoechlin "is coming to PR Comic Con".

 Most PEOPLE are all: "OMG Teen Wolf, Superman, Sephiroth is coming to PRCC!" Me: *laughs in Mulan and Cobra Kai*
But to be fair, a few Power Rangers have made it. Lando Fucking Calrissian made it. Even Moff Fring from the Porgos Hermanos made it. A decent chunk of CW DC actors have made it to PRCC, so this isn't a huge stretch... unlike Miss Dishonor on her and her cow because the con wasn't on Tuesday.

It's a small break for me to moan about toys, so I'll take it.

Jan 27, 2025

Karai variants: The Rant:

 As I have done other variants for other characters that can pull this off, it's Karai's turn.
Let's list the usual suspects, shall we?
Martial Arts
Glow in the Dark

This one is a bit tough. I want something way different from Normal Karai. 

I have a crazy idea. SHERWOOD Karai!!
It combines elements of Karai: Criminal with a code of honor, expert at swordfighting and archery. Plus, most of the parts are already made. All we need is a tunic overlay, crotch, Forearms and Shins. And a Karai head with a Robin Hood hat.

Tennis Karai:
Karai dressed in a black and red Tennis outfit.
With Tennis visor
Bandana head

Special hands:
Ball holding hands

Pair of Tennis racquets
Multiple tennis balls (one of them is a cartoon bomb painted like a tennis ball, the second one is a spiked ball, third is a normal tennis ball)
Turtle catching net with stands (to use as a tennis net)

Idol Karai:
Basically Karai dressed as a J-Pop Idol. I won't be going into details here.

This one is so easy and so difficult at the same time. No, I can't put a trenchcoat over Karai and call it a day. She's getting a trenchcoat, but she needs a new body. Can't reuse April's since her Undercover had her disguised as a Foot kunoichi and a trenchcoat alternate look. The look is for Japanese reporter Oniiru Shigatsu. (More or less April O'Neil in Japanese) Essentially, this is to make an April 2.0 body and prereleasing it with Karai. Mainly a new Torso and crotch so Karai and the eventual April 2.0 can match in height with Karai and Ninja April.
The new torso and crotch could take Inspiration from playmates' own April II. Her color palette would be purple with tan accents as a nod to Mirage.
Normal Karai head no bandana or facemask
Karai with hair in a Ponytail. (Hairstyle should be reminiscent of Irma.)
Karai with hat
Pair of Mic-Kunai
Camera gun from April 1.
Removable Glasses for ponytailed head
Press pass

Martial Arts Movie Inspired:
Essentially Karai dressed as Uma Thurman from Kill Bill vol.2.
No bandana
Katana with scabbard
Party Wagon Keychain

GITD?: Tournament Fighters redeco:
Essentially Wave 10 Karai in this color palette.

Super7 didn't give us a true Mirage Karai: it was a combination of Mirage and 2003. A Mirage Karai would be closer to Tournament Fighters, which would be a valid variant.
There are a few images of Karai in a Catsuit. Well, I COULD take advantage of That Karai AND plus her up so well that it might male people want to get 2!

You know what's coming: Mutatin' Karai into Lady Shredder. 
Alt Shredder head
Slip on neck piece with hinged shoulder spikes
Slip on arm spikes and strap on leg spikes.
Extra Shredder fists and Dramatic hands complete the alternate look.
Add the standard Fists, C-grips, and dramatic hands with a Katana to complete the look.

(Dis)Honorable Mention:
Volume 4 Karai:
Based on the issue where she may have stuck Casey's bat in her hoo-ha!

Karai sporting the new hairstyle from that issue. The body would  be a black bikini with interchangeable feet
Soft good shirt
Soft good pants
Soft goods robe
Toss in some concealable Ninja weapons for good measure. 
Reuse 2 Scumbug Roaches (reference to the time April and Renet became cockroaches and had a cockaroach orgy.)

What the Actual Fuck? She's too good for me but not for fucking Cockroaches!? Fuckdammit! I'm going to get to Etheria and Lovemake Glimmer's brains out! So, fuck you too, Nefty!

Wrong Blog, Cade. You and the MuTeens belong in the Fanfic Corner, unless there's a Toy Review... Speaking of which, have you find a set of suitable bodies to make SyBert?


Then get to it, Cade! 

That's it for Karai. Now we must wait for further figures. That is if US Politics don't kill the lines with more price increases due to the infamous tariffs.

Jan 25, 2025

Top ten weirdest potential MOTU CROSSOVERS

 We had MOTU × THUNDERCATS, MOTU × TMNT, MOTU × DC UNIVERSE (But no toys unless we count Toyguru's lazy ass repaints.)

So, here's a list of top 10 Weirdest Crossovers MOTU could have.

10: Dungeons and Dragons: (Toon)
I'm referring to the 1980s Cartoon where a bunch of kids were isekai'd to the world of D&D.
Mainly because seeing Roided out Hank, Eric, and Presto seems Hilarious. A fully grown rounded out Bobby and Uni...

9: GI Joe:
Furry loinclothed Joes and COBRAS. Nuff' Said.

8: Silverhawks:
While these folks would be much better in a New Adventures line, It would be interesting seeing PartlyMetal Partly Barbaric versions of them.

7: Power Rangers:
Roided out Teenagers, and Multiple Tommys... Not to mention Power Rangerized He-Man and other Master's.

6: Ghostbusters:
I remember an old Mattel Pic of He-Man with a Proton pack. I believe that GB He-Man is part of the Mighty Spector's collection.

5: Soulcalibur:
Just imagine a SoulEdge corrupted MOTU Weapons. A Faker/Nightmare type character... eternian styled Voldo... a Roided out Voldo.

4: Big Jim/Max Steel:
Big Jim crawled so He-Man could walk. Would be nice to give tribute to Mattel's own Big Jim and his kid, Max Steel.

3: Street Sharks:
Come on two Mattel properties crossing over isn't as weird as say TMNT... It is if you cross them AFTER having the Actual TMNT Crossover.

2: Transformers: 
I Know there are rumors about making an autobot version of He-Man and a decepticon version of Skeletor. I'm talking about making humanized versions of the autobots and the decepticons. As in taking a Generic Origins body, putting some new Armor and head to make Optimus Prime. Soundwave using a BattleArmor body so his armor "window" can be no "spirit", Laserbeak, Ravage

1: Barbie: 
I don't need to explain this, but Roided out Ken. Personally, if we had Masterverse Barbie and Ken, I'd buy them.

That's it... top 10 weird but somehow logical MOTU Crossover possibilities.

Jan 23, 2025

I wish Mattel would Make a Diva Superstars 2.0 action Doll Line

 You know the Diva Superstars line. I've reviewed most of the line minus the Charlotte Flair Variant (which I got loose) and the canceled Asuka. I honestly don't know ow how well the line did, but I must guess, with the canceled Asuka, not that great.

But, what I'm proposing is fixing some of the "mistakes" and "improve" the line.

For the most part the OG line was decent in articulation. The only place I can pick some nits is the ankles. I would add a basic ankle hinge for the 2.0s and maybe a thigh cut.

Paint and sculpt:
For the most part, I'm satisfied with de OG Diva Superstars. I love the stylized looks. The only nitpick is lack of C-grip hands. Why give them a chair weapon if they can't hold it?

They need accessories. I'm not talking about jewelry for girls, but actual accessories for the action dolls themselves. Even She-Ra action dolls had weapons they could use. Even some soft goods accessories would be nice. Let's use Trish Stratus as an example. The Diva figure is Teish in her ring attire, but includes a soft goods coat and her hat as accessories. It would suck to get a Trish with a non removable plastic coat.

It's OK to use current Divas, but it would be cooler if we could get legendary Divas like Miss Elizabeth, Chyna, Sable, Trish Stratus, Lita, etc. I wanted a Diva Superstars Steph McMahon or Ronda Rousey. 

Heck that could lead to stylized male figures. If we got "Dollified versions" of John Cena, The Rock, Hogan, etc. I might be tempted to buy them. Ooh Stylized DX... or Mr. McMahon... it would be better than the current basic figures (at least in articulation)

Most wanted Ultimates Figures:

This list won't be purely Turtle based. Also, it won't be purely Ultimates, as it may have some Deluxes. I know Super7 is slowing down with some licenses. This list is mostly for Fun.

Deluxe Tygra:
Repaint of invisible Tygra with whip short and long.

Deluxe Thunderkittens:
Each kitten with their Spaceboard.

Ultimates  Nayda:

Deluxe Pumyra: (shorter)

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers:
Teenagers with Attitude:
Basically civilian versions of the Rangers. We have Bulk and Skull. Therefore, we need civilian versions of the Rangers now. 

Ivan Ooze:
Because Fuck you that's why.

Deluxe Putty Patroller: Rita and Zed versions:
Self explanatory.

Ninjetti Rangers:
Yes, I want to make Klan jokes with Tommy, the White Power... Rangers.

The Witwickys:
1:10 scale versions of Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky to use as civilians in displays. 

Not that one! I MEAN CO-CO in a trenchcoat and fedora.

Since I mentioned Co-Co, let's do some Joes:

GI Joe:


Sgt. Slaughter:

Deluxe Scarlett 

Deluxe Baroness:

Deluxe Lady Jaye:

Deluxe Covergirl:


Vanilla Ice Ultimates!:
This is the "vanilla" Vanilla Ice. 
Looking like that...

This would be a slightly stylized Vanilla Ice made to fit the style of the 80s-90s Toyline.
His attire is obviously based on Secret of the Ooze's

Ninja Rap.
So for accessories, I'm ripping off Rappin' Mike:
Punker Don's Keytar
Pair of cymbals
3 heads:
Singing Go Ninja Go Ninja Go! (Don't want to call it O-face)
Standard hands
Disc scratching hands

MC Hammer:
Most people will want that you can't touch this version of him. Personally, I want a this is what we do version... for turtley obvious reasons.

Jackie Chan:
Yes, Jackie Chan Sings. And it may be the weird opening for a Jackie Chan Ultimates line.

Miley Cyrus:
Before you try to crucify me, it's not Hannah Montana era Miley. Specifically the Angels like You Miley. )it was the only one that lended itself for a toyetic look without being "sexist". I REALLY wanted to choose Jaded, but the Swimsuit would be exist and the jeans look had no top, which would be problematic. Flowers has a plastic dress that would nullify all articulation. The Red Catsuit from Mother's Daughter could totally work for my display needs. Think Black Widow but with Miley.

The artist that sometimes was Prince, other times was the weird symbol:

Here we need two versions:
Realistic Version: AKA Purple Rain.
Stylized version: Finger Prints... Assuming They still have the Animaniacs license.

Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff
Sure, I'm not exactly Will Smith's biggest fan, but I want a Fresh Prince Intro Will and a Jazzy Jeff...

The only reason for wanting a Jazzy Jeff. 

TBH, I'd be interested in Fresh Prince of Bel Aor Ultimates if we get Carlton and Uncle Phil.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

Deluxe figures:

Foot Soldier:
Grabber and Mace accessories.

Pack of three and a Party Wagon roadkill Mouser as the accessory.

Toon Redeco with Rifle and knife

Toon Redeco with Triceraton Gun and knife

Mirage Redeco with Katana

Toon Redeco signature weapons

Ninja April Camera and Microphone, News Van inspired Redeco.

Ray Fillet:
Purple Shirt Red V redeco:
Orange Fishstick with white hardhat, teal and black speargun.

Ultimates: (that aren't the last two Neutrinos, Vernon, Burne, and Irma)

Figure should be Slash sized. Head 1 should be based on the Prototype with the mini Pizzaface twin head biting the main head and hidden by the soft goods hat. Head 2 should be based on the strip. 

Have his cleaver leg be the default leg and his Pizza cutter leg should detach from the Pizza box stand, give him a new Pizza peel leg and weaponized pizzas. Maybe make his apron soft goods and the knife detachable.

Tokka and Rahzar:
Honestly, Super7 can give them all original accessories. I just want the babies.

Groundchuck and Dirtbag: 
GC should get a Cattle Prod, the Broken Pipe from Manhattan Project, and a small Blaster based on the toon.
Dirtbag gets the spade from Shredder's revenge, the Pickaxe from Manhattan Project,  and his satchel. Maybe even a Caged Canary as a reference to the canaries in the calmness.

Chrome Dome:
He should be A smidgen bigger than Rat King: honestly, I don't want Vac Metal. I see variant potential in him:

-Vanilla Crome Dome. Taking elements from the Toy and Tournament Fighters in light silver and black.
-A GITD in white and blue plastic. 
-a Tournament Fighters inspired redeco for a deluxe figure with the head and torso in a copper/brass color.
-Vac Metal redeco.

Super Shredder:
Figure needs to be about the same size as NECA's or The Loyal Subjects. Make me want this figure.

Krang's Android Body:
Super7 has a lot of work here. I'm willing to bet that they'll end up making a smaller Body 9-10 inches and have it come with its own Smaller Krang.

Non-Vintage Toyline, Vintage TMNT characters:
This is a whole new category on its own.
Here's where I'd add folks as Dregg, Carter, etc. It would depend on what they make for me to get.

Jan 22, 2025

The Hos of Grayskull

 No, Tumblrtards; this isn't a "misogynistic rant" I'm talking about Mattel's new Orogons Crossover line.

Where Lion-O gets the MOTU Origins Treatment. I'm seeing Mattel getting lazier With swapable wigs instead of heads.

On one hand I'm relieved, but on the other I'm disappointed. That Cheetara didn't get a Teela outfit repaint.

Skele-Ra feels weird. Do we get an Actual Mumm-Ra or do we have to hodge podge him with Skeletor?

Ohohohohohohoho... so many Gay Jokes about riding Battle Cat... Man...

I must assume this means turtles of Grayskull has run its course. 

Guess I better up my game and write a fanfic about the MuTeens going to Eternia where both Nicks get to own Spector and that's Fanfic Corner stuff, Not House of Rants stuff. Seriously, Mattel is trying to outwhore TMNT with MOTU.
What's next? MOTU × Power Rangers?

Jan 18, 2025

Deluxe figures and Accessory packs might be the new hope for Super7

 With Playmates Being a little bitch, this may be the way for Super7 to get stuff done. Hear me out. Army Builders should be handled via deluxe Releases and Upgrade Accessory packs.

Easiest example, the Foot Soldier: 
Have 2 versions Of the character as Deluxe figures:
They are essentially the same figure sculpt, but the accessories are different.
Figure 1 comes with the mace weapon and a battle damaged hand.

Figure 2 comes with the grabber thingie and a Blaster

Now we make an Accessory pack specifically for the Deluxe Foot Soldiers:

The accessories will be hands and unpainted weapons with the hands molded in purple and the weapons in dark grey. 
Judo chop
2 finger ninja pose

3 kunai (Sewer samurai leo)
Shredder rack weapons
Bo staff

That's 20-ish Reused parts: we need some new sculpted parts to lure suckers such as myself.
3 new pieces:

-A Boomerang Trio with a Landmine. Before you say I'm cheating, hear me out. I was thinking three boomerangs, but they'd be attached  to sprees, so the center area that the sprees for the boomerang come out Could be designed as a landmine and get a freebie.

-Halberd could be Reused with Foot Elite

- pair of Cat Claws (think SF Matador)

But I guess that a single accessory pack can give you stuff for 2+ foot soldiers.

But this is not limited just to foot soldiers. If we get Stone Warriors, The same principle would apply. 

Make the Ultimates! Stone Warrior. Roughly MOTUC SIZED body. A Naked stone body only wearing boots. Give him an alternate head, the usual hands and a few accessories:
Piece of steel girder
Grenade launcher

Now for the Deluxe, you do a redeco with the stone soldier in grey and the Accessory pack brings the missing accessories and hands.

Even Ultimates could get in on the Accessory pack action.
I've mentioned how each turtle could get a new head with fedora and soft goods Trenchcoat backed by effect pieces for the weapons and other character specific accessories.

Rat King could get a buttload of rats and a few extras on his Accessory pack AND a canned wave 10 Redeco could be released as a Deluxe figure.

Maybe, just maybe Deluxe figures could be in some cases a way to debut a figure that later gets upgraded to ultimates. For example; 
A single carded Roadkill Rodney with its accessories being an interchangeable arm and stand for the Deluxe release and have the Ultimates! Be a 2 pack with two extended arms, stand, 3 Drilling out the ground partial Rodneys. 

Also, they should work with Nickelodeon and Konami to get access to the Videogames in order to make new characters... Aska, TF April, Hyperstome Heist Tatsu Tora from TMNT2, The generic bad guys from the NES Game...

Jan 17, 2025

New Thundercats Ultimates leaked

 Seems this new Thundercats wave has no Cosmic Felines. 

Don't care about the Berzerker or Safari Joe... I will try to get Nayda and get off my ass and get scalped for Wila. 

A Pumyra 2.0 or a Visible Tygra repaint of the invisible Tygra could've been a nice wave filler... but at least we're getting Berzerkers...

Hasbro is making a definitve Spider-Man figure

 Earlier today this was leaked.
A Spider-Man figure with a shitton of hands and webbing accessories.
Supposedly coming to Amazon on February. Preorder or sale, I dunno. That I want it, no I need it.
Brand new Peter Parker head, Web shooting hands with web shooters, web ball, web swing line, web throw... feels almost like MVC Spidey made toy... Duuuude! Excitement is the minimum I feel for this. Imagine a Ben Reilly version of this.

It was released on Feb.13 at $50.⁰⁰ +s&h

Casey Jones:The Variants: The Rant

 I've tackled a few characters that could get variants made outside the 4 Turtles... Now it's Casey's turn. Super7 has made the following variants for the Turtles:

Martial Arts Movies
Other (here I usually add Mirage or Toon versions) in Casey's Case, I'll replace it with Movie inspired. Let's see if I can do this!

First Variant in and I'm stumped... just kidding!

Ace Reporter Arnold Jones:
Essentially Casey dressed like April, but in Casey Jones colors
Unmasked head with hair slicked back
Masked head

Standard Casey hands
Gun grip hands:

Microphone whip
Camera gun (like w3 April but made for male hands)
Casey golf bag
Golf club
Tennis racket

What Sport should I give the Hockey obsessed vigilante known as Casey Jones? 
Vintage Golf outfit?
Tae Kwon Do?

I saw this on a Marshall's a few weeks ago. Well, the idea I had was: 
That color scheme, the new full shirt torso, BUT no shoulder pad. Here we give him removable hockey pads, new lower arms with sculpted elbow pads. New feet with hole at the bottom
Essentially a Hockey Casey Jones
Normal mask
Broken mask

New hockey stick
Inline skates attachment for his feet
Ice skate attachment for his feet

This one is another toughie.
Crooning Casey Jones:
Essentially Casey Jones dressed like a country singer with removable Cowboy hat

New hands:
Guitar playing hands
Harmonica hand with sculpted harmonica


The normal formula for Undercover is take a standard figure and give it a trenchcoat. Here I'm changing the formula a bit. 
The base figure would be the Business Suit Casey Jones from the cartoon. Then we give him the soft goods Trenchcoat.

Normal Casey hands

Normal Casey accessories
Phone inspired by Toon Burne
Splinter mug work sucks printed on mug.
Removable fedora

Martial Arts Movie:
Aikido Vigilante Casey:
Loosely inspired on early 90s Steven Seagal movies.
Both Casey Heads would have longer hair tied to a Ponytail like Seagal as he looked in Above the Law with the balck jacket and blue jeans.

Pool cue whole
2 broken cue pieces
Cueball wrapped in towel

What about GITD CASEY?
There is no point in making a whole GITD Vasey when a Casey figure with a GITD Mask should suffice.

Movie Star Casey:
Unlike NECA'S movie accurate figures, this would be a Playmatesized figure.
Remember the Hockey Casey? Well the movie star Casey would share that body with new arms and a new vest overlay. The new arms would give him sleeves and he'd reuse the Forearms from Vanilla Casey but with black tape on his taped arm.
Toss in all Vanilla Casey accessories and call it a day.

Jan 16, 2025

Haley Joel Osment saw Major League

 And his Necrosight took the Announcer from us. Fun fact, the announcer was played by Bob Uecker, a former Baseball player turned Announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers.

But, this IS Nefty's House of Rants, so...

Fuck Your Necrosight, Haley Joel Osment, and yes, Uecker WAS in Mr. Belvedere, which is the sole reason I remember Uecker. I mean, a friend mentioned that Bob Uecker passed away. My reaction was "¿Para para paramelo ahí, papá. Tú me quieres decir que George de Mister Belvedere se murió? Me cago en la necrovisión del Hermano de Emily Osment." Which more or less translates to: Stop Stop Make me hard daddy. You mean to tell me that George from Mr. Belvedere died!? I shit on Emily Osment's brother's Necrosight!" And that's why You never translate Spanish literally. Some idioms sound very gay when translated. As a Xennial, I WAS raised by TV shows. When I missed school, TV was my nanny. Yes, that includes The Nanny, so Technically speaking I DID have a Nanny... and 4 grandmas too! BUT the point is that one of my TV Dads has passed away. Yes, he was 90 and with that number it's expected, but it still hurts, man! Obviously, my condolences to friends and family.

Fucking Sora is on a roll. Not happy with killing Bob Uecker, he took also Twin Peaks!! Director David Lynch was another victim of Haley Joel's Necrosight. 

Really, Spike? You HAD to bring Yuna... as I was saying: David Lynch was a modern Renaissance Man. He was a Painter, a Musician, a Designer, a Director... yet All I know him for is making a movie where Sir Patrick Stewart heads into battle with a Pug.

As always, my condolences to friends and family.

Now Sora saw my wallet. Got hit by 4 Ultimates pre-orders and then this dropped

I'm disappointed with Nintendo since they didn't follow tradition and went by lame modern naming standards. Super Nintendo Switch was right there. Then they could have released a special colorway made to look like a Super Nintendo... The whole switch to name has the same amount of little dick energy as wii U... sorry, it has more little dick energy, because at least We/You has a pun and an unintended Kung Pow! Enter the Fist reference.

Wonder if the new Nintendo Console will make it before GTA6...

Jan 13, 2025

Not so random variants/accessory packs S7 could do for TMNTU.

Trying to figure out variants for say, Mutagen Man is next to impossible, so I'll try to make a catch most for Ultimates. Let's see how I can do this:

Mutagen Man: ( Undercover Accessory Pack)
First we start with hands:
-C-grips with opposite hinge

Everything else:
Soft goods Trenchcoat 
Special lamp shade painted like a Fez with gap for his cable.
Alternate Weapon
Soft plastic harness that can hold various Ben Cooper styled generic Halloween masks (1 at a time)
Said Masks.

Metalhead: (Sewer Upgrade Accessory Pack)
Super7 could do Metalhead Turtles to follow the MHMikey theme. But I'm not going for that here. 
-Left hand whipped.
Pointing fingers
-Judo chop hands with axeblades on the underside
-Robocop styled data spike

Other accessories:
Small Blaster backpack attachment
Blast effect for hands
Laser sword

Muckman: (Sewer Legend Accessory Pack) 
Slime effects that can be plugged to his holes.

Alternate hands:
-Muck mace fists
-different dramatic hands
-pointing hands

Other accessories:
Sewer walking staff (made out of a pipe and other garbage.
Alternate tops:
Top with a bent traffic cone
Top with rotting half eaten sandwich

Casey Jones: (Redeco)
Wave 10 Casey Jones in a Hybrid Redeco:
From the waist up, he's wave 4 colors (including skin), from the waist down he's wave 10 colors but with black sneakers. 
The golf bag is black this time with the bats and hockey stick being light colored wood with dark gray wraps.

New Accessory: Unmasked Casey head (third time's the charm) 
He can get variants, but this "useless redeco" is to premake the Unmasked head.

 Bayou Ambush Leatherhead:
This Leatherhead would have a more gator-like New head, New vest, new galoshes in order to make him look more "toon-like"

New hands:

New accessories:
Soft goods ghillie suit
Tiny net

Reuse Bear trap and shotgun

Savage Leatherhead:
VISUALLY  he's Inspired by the Mirage version, but he's "Playmates-esque" at the same time.
He gets new arms and legs in order for him to be totally naked. Aside the wrappings on his arms and legs. He has a new removable soft goods burlap poncho tied with rope (nod to Rambo)
He gets two heads:
One more Toon looking without hat
The other looking like his vintage toy counterpart.
All the available hands

The aforementioned soft goods poncho and rope belt.
Makeshift spear
Makeshift sling

The idea is Leatherhead was captured and experimented on before he escaped.

What about Krang Variants?
Honestly, aside Krang's Android Body, I don't see many variants as relevant and the TLS Krang is good enough for me, so, they need to WOW me with the Android Body...
But most Krang Variants would be relegated to Vehicles for Krang to use. That's why I'm skipping him.

Ace Duck: (Accessory pack)
New Heads:
Neutral expression with Pilot cap
Bare head with Cigar

New hands:
Cigar holding hand with sculpted cigar
Pointing hands
Victory sign hands

Other accessories:
Soft goods aviator scarf
Faded Teal egg bomb redeco
Aviator glasses

Combat Ace Duck:
Sure, a variant or two of Ace could be pulled off like Ace in a Flightsuit with interchangeable back pieces. One with and one without wings.
It would come with a helmet head with plug in breathing mask and movable visor
The other head would be a cocky head.

For other accessories:
Backpack with parachute (non working)
Cavalry saber 

Yes, there are a few nods to murderous fruits that are a Cam Clarke reference. I'm really trying not to make obvious Donald or Howard the Duck references.

This one is tough as there aren't many things I can do with him.

Cat Burglar Scratch:
Essentially Scratch out of Prison clothes.
With Beanie and eye mask
Beanie turned into balaclava
No Beanie or eye mask
His outfit is mostly Navy (long sleeved turtleneck) and Purple (pants) and black (Beanie and boots)

New Hands:
Lockpicking hands with lockpicking instruments sculpted on them

-JB wearing a newsboy cap, a long sleeved shirt, a vest jacket, and slacks. He's holding a slapjack menacingly.
-Soft goods bag of holding stolen items.
-Gun with Makeshift silencer (80s soda bottle with plastic capped bottom)
-Crow's feet crobars.

Stranger Danger Scratch:
Essentially the "undercover Turtles version of Scratch. 
Body is a repaint of Cat Burglar Scratch with black turtleneck, olive green pants, and brown boots. Add a soft goods Trenchcoat and we can call the body done.

With fedora and shifty eyes.
With fedora looking forward.
With fedora, blackened face and GITD Eyes.

New hands:
Chloroform soaked rag hand with presculpted rag, See Jaga as reference
Gun fingers hands

-JB mimicking the old Stranger Danger/Neighborhood watch signs stranger pose. Wearing a fedora and trenchcoat
-Mugger knife
-Goombah garrote
-reuse Casey's broken bat

What about the Robotic Bebop and Rocksteady?
There's nothing that can ne done about them aside redecos.

I've suggested tons of possibilities for variants.
Easiest solution: 
Deluxe Army Builder redecos with a new head and two different weapons. (1 old, 1 new)

What about Guerilla Gorilla?
At $75, making variants of him seems pointless... but a Rappin' Guerrilla Gorilla wouldn't be that put there. He already looks like
A certain former Rapping wrestler who is invisible to the naked eye.

What about Genghis?
The other two unreleased Punk Frogs could stem out the Genghis buck. Also, I've done a few Genghis variants/redecos already.

What about Wave 9?
Slam Dunk Don can easily get redecos with new heads and maybe ball handling left hand for the other 3 brothers. That way we could have a 2v2 Turtle Basketball game.

Splinter's main variant is called Hamato Yoshi, which requires most of a new body.

Wingnut is covered by Batman redecos and variations. So there isn't much to talk about. 

Zak  unless we get IDW inspired Hyper Militarized Neutrinos, I'd rather get Dask and Kala... though if TLS Makes Neutrinos, I'll buy them.

Scumbug  could get away with a Hazmat variant. Which S7 could also make GITD.

This leads us to Karai and Rat King, who can get rants of their own.  I won't do a Foot Soldoer, since I've mentioned that Deluxe figures plus Accessory packs and different Battle damaged versions can cover them. 

I think this finishes the catch most part until the next vintage wave.

Short Round is the New Jackie Chan

 Remember Short Round? Ke Huy Quan played him in Twmple of Doom... Data from The Goonies? The Storeroom guy from Loki Season 2. Well He's back! In an action film no less.

Let's be honest here. This movie is the most Jackie Chan Movie that has ever Jackie Chaned... 

Even Short Round is looking very Jackie Chan-esque. No, I'm not saying all Asians look the same. I'm  saying that Ke Huy Quan's performance on the Trailer is VERY reminiscent of Jackie Chan... but with better dominion of the English Language. It doesn't help that costume and makeup are dressing him like A Jackie Chan knock off... wait! The people behind Nobody are behind this too!?


Jan 11, 2025

TMNT ULTIMATES wave 14 speculation again:

 I think I made one of these already... but I can't find it. In any case, I'm bored AF, so...

Using the new Vintage TMNT Ultimates! Format, we have:

Low new tool variant/redeco
New Variant
Vintage Variant
New character (vintage or otherwise.)

I will do, like always, a few different set of lists trying to cover bases. (What I'd  like, what I'd hate, etc.) For these I'm assuming that Super7 figured out how to reestablish USPS as a shipping option for pre-orders. (That way I can preorder half the wave via Super7 and half via BBTS)

This is the SHUT UP AND TAKE MY.MONEY! Wave:
Low New Tool Variant Redeco:
Rasputin the Mad Frog:
Body: Genghis Repaint
New pieces:
Archery hands 
*Bow and Arrow if the Splinter Bow can't be used.

Super7 Buy the whole wave accessory:
Bomb tip Arrow and winking head.

New Variant:
Drunken Master Splinter:
Basically same old Splinter but with a Chinese top inspired by the Drunken Master movies.
Perhaps gove him a new closer to Cartoon Accurate head.
Removable Jackie Chan Wig
He needs Drunken boxing hands
Sake gourd

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Flocked Toon Splinter head

Vintage Variant:
Don the Undercover Turtle:
Here we have to do A LOT of changes to avoid pissing off Playmates. First change soft goods coat. It would still have the tear on the bicep area, but it would also have sewn elbow reinforcement mimicking his pads. The reason for the soft goods coat is for the new utility belt underneath with liefeldian pouches, sheath for his knife.
Same as UC Raph
Expandable bo staff both expanded and retracted
Modified UC Raph gun with removable flag
UC Raph Briefcase and Goggles
Peter Laird mask
Kevin Eastman mask

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Kojak styled head with a Lollipop sucking mouth and a hand holding a lollipop

New character:
One head has to be like the Prototype with the siamese twin head attacking the main head. The second head would be based on Lawson's art of Pizzaface for a strip. If a third head is possible, Pizza the Hut concept head should be used.
For colors, the Prototype should be the inspiration BUT the Apron should be soft goods for the sake of articulation and appeasing Playmates.
The usual hands in addition to the Playmates tossing right hand. 

Throwable pizzas
Pizza peel
Pizza cutter with squished pizza box stand

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Pizza Box Shield (fully painted but changed sculpt to a shield shaped Pizza like vintage Domino's. )

Next is: OK, that's a Cool wave, not exactly what I wanted, but I think I'll take most of it!

Low new tool variant/Redeco:
Mirage Shredder:
Same Shredder we got in wave 10 but in Mirage red with a soft goods red tunic.
Give him an extra Oroku Saki head

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Bloody Oroku Saki head.

New Variant:
Down Unda Leatherhead:
Leatherhead with a more Cartoon Accurate head. New necklace and vest new crotchpiece with different belt with a sheath for his Knoife. 
His vest and hat would be styled after Crocodile Dundee but in Leatherhead colors
For accessories we bring back his shotgun, bear trap, the new knife, his lobster, turtle, a tiny net, broken Ooze canister from wave 5 Mousers.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Repainted Mousers broken Ooze canister in Toon Purple

Vintage Variant:
Heavy Metal Raph 
As close as possible to the vintage toy. Obviously there will be some changes to avoid PMB (Playmates bitching)
Normal head, a Dee Snider inspired head. 

For accessories his Bass and Sai Drumsticks.
I wanted to give him a Drumkit but it would be too much for S7...

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
The Dee Snider inspired head with a different paintjob

New Figure:
First he's going to need a lot of painted details.
The real challeng is articulation on the tentacle.
NO BENDY WIRES! I believe they're called cup and ball joints
Like Stridor's neck but at a smaller scale. Since he's going to be probably lying at $65, let's make him worth $65. That articulation alone will keep the PMB to a minimum. He should be a smidge smaller than Muckman and for accessories, the Mallet and his bunch of worms. The Belt is changed to a wormy bandolier that can hold it Mallet and knife.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
A repaint of the Mallet with different color splatters.

Now for the This is weird as hell, but OK...

Low new Tooling/Redeco:
Valentine's Michelangelo:
This one is a little cheat since he's a new Variant, but he literally is a new back shell with wings and new Archery hands.

Taking Sewer Surfin tongue head and Rappin Mike hatless head on the Standrard Mikey body with the new winged Shell. Using Splinter's Bow and Arrow and Nunchucks on rope and we're done.

Of course this opens up a Holiday Turtles with say Memorial Day Leonardo (I will find a way to get my Lt. Leo.),  Fourth of July Raphael, and Easter Donatello. I want to make a Halloween Irma with a Family Friendly Slutty costume... and a St. Patrick's Day April. But another rant for another day.

New Variant:
Cyber Shredder:
Essentially Pre-making Chrome Dome but with some alternate robotic Shredder parts. (Shoulder, wrists, hands, and shins)
Taking cues from the Metal Mutant Shredder helmet (it's from the OVA and toy)

Chrome Dome sword belt
Chrome Dome Swords
Backpack with cape that plugs into the back (where CD's wings would plug in)
Ethernet Spear

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Swords in translucent red and silver painted hilts.

Vintage Variant:
Farmer Don: (aka Northampton Don)
Mostly inspired by the Vintage Playmates figure... But changes are required:
Much smaller Corncob pipe
Redesigned trucker hat
Alternate head without hat.
The pads would be Reused from wandering Leo, in Don Purple. I'd change the knick-knacks in his pockets... 

Hand with sculpted handkerchief. (To wipe off sweat)

Scarecrow with stand (a wooden cross with a soft goods coat, pumpkin head, and straw hat)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Trucker hat head with different hat color/design 

New Figure:
Do some tweaks to avoid PMB.
Add an alternate head with the Lawrence of Arabia headdress and a soft goods tunic.
Give the flying carpet a flying stand and a full paint deco

His scimitar should be colored as well. Separate the gun from the Magic lamp

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Repainted Magic Carpet with flight stand.

Now I want to try The Worst! No, not that The Worst! I mean

In other words, a wave I'd HATE! For a weird reason

Low new Tooling/Redeco:
Toon Rocksteady:
Same Rocksteady we got in toon colors and 3 new accessories in addition to his standard accessories and Guerilla Gorilla's knife:
Wide C Grip Hands to hold the GG knife, bandolier with sheathe for both his Knife and GG's.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
"Wooden" version of the GG knife (basically an unpainted brown GG knife)

New Variant:
 Hip Hop Guerilla Gorilla:
Guerrilla Gorilla in Knee length Cargo pants and a soft goods T-Shirt with an old school Nickelodeon show... thinking one of the Legends of the Hidden Temple Team T-shirts. WithVekcro on the back like Mattel WWE T-shirts for easy tearin' apart. Various gold chains and a Gorilla sized hat would complete the look.

Now for the weapons and other accessories:
Gorilla sized Boom Box
Pair of UZIs
Opened Cardboard box for breakdancing (hiding a lazy Susan styled piece so GG can spin.)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Gold UZIs

Vintage Variant:
Ninja Knockin'Bebop:

Bebop in a Vintage toy inspired Ninja outfit but with some changes to avoid PMB. 
We can reuse the  Bebop torso with new Ninja Gi overlay. To make it different from playmates, Torn sleeves (Think Ryu from Street Fighter)
Instead of a yellow Karate belt, let's give him a rope belt. His left armguard should be changed to a foot Soldier styled armguard. I'd also make his Purples a bit greater.

Unmasked with a Foot Clan headband

Bebop sized Ninjato
Bebop sized 4 point Shuriken (×3)
Bebop sized Kunai (×3)
Punch gun(a gun reminiscent of his vintage plug in gun and you can attach either a boxing glove or a Ninja Pork Figure, a nod to the actual Playmates toy.)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Extra set of Bebop sized Shuriken and kunai.

New Figure: 
Chote: (formerly known as Shogun Shoate)
He would be packed like his Mirage Appearance.

For accessories his swords and strappable Samurai armor to give him a Shogun Shoate inspired look. The armor parts consist of the armor and the straps. This is for the buy the whole wave accessory.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Vac Metal versions of the armor bits to swap the normal armor for the shiny armor.

The reason this wave is the worst is because these are oddities I'd buy on a whim, but an entire wave is asking a bit too much. But I can do more Crazy waves:

Here comes the Estrogen Wave!
A wave of pure females:
Warning! Nefty is going to Cheat!

Low New Tooling/Redeco:
New parts: Head, lower legs:
Using the Ninja April Torso, Arms, Crotch "boots" and April 1.0 Feet. We have all the parts for Aska.

For accessories, the wakizashi and Kunai from Sewer Samurai Leo. Would be the most basic stuff needed. If they want to toss a Playmates Mitsu head, since Aska was supposed to be Mitsu at one point... but I'd save that head for somewhere else.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Winking head.

New variant:
Ninja Thief Lotus Blossom:
Using Karai's body with a new crotchpiece and Neck overlay (basically a turtleneck) , we complete the body for Lotus. 
New Lotus head
Masked Ninja head
Repaint of PM Mitsu head since that's what Playmates would've done.
For accessories:
Karai's weapons.
New Lotus Flower
New Foot Scrolls (×4)
Gym bag to carry the stolen scrolls

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
GITD Lotus Flower

Vintage Variant:
Toon Irma:
It would be a vanilla Irma in Toon outfit and Colors.
Normal Irma
Bandana badass Irma
Ditzy expression Irma

I have a few Irma Rants coming. They'll be more detailed on what I want on her. But basocally soft goods clothing because plastic skirts suck. Also the spot goods allow for a later variant release with the Playmates outfit.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Ooze Irma head. The ditzy expression head with globs of GITD paint all over her face and hair as in she got sprayed with Ooze.


New character:
Mona Lisa:
She would be mostly Toon based though the arms and legs would have some Playmates inspiration.

Toon based
Playmates inspired

Pepper spray can
Stun gun 
Volatile chemical molotovs (×3)
Jitte (×2)
Tail whip effects

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
GITD molotovs

The meh wave:

Low new tooling/Redeco:
Toon Rat King:
The Wave 11 Rat King in canceled Wave 10 colors.

Heads: (New)
Pretty boy face with Vintage hair
Vintage Face with Pretty Boy Hair

Crossbow with Arrows 
Snake Belt with Quiver
Repainted Flute

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Neon Green with forest Camo print Crossbow.

New Variant:
Brawlin' Raph:
Basically a JCVD inspired Raphael.
Reusing Wandering Leo's pads and wristbands om the Raph body with a new red Sash as his belt. 

Normal Raphael
Bloodsport inspired blinded Raph

Special hands:
Kickboxer inspired wrapped Fists.

Pair of Sai
3× brick columns (one column is shorter by a single brick)
Single brick
Exploding brick

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:

Vintage Variant:
Undercover Leonardo:
Some changes to the Accessories will avoid PMB, as a TMNT in a trenchcoat is common in multiple media.
The body is Normal Leo with UC Raph heads in Leo colors. Also, to avoid PMB, his trenchoat will be Dark Brown. No, it's not a Cam Clarke Reference, dear Brotha! It's just avoiding Playmates incessant bitching.

Sewer Samurai Ninjato (×2)
UC Raph's revolver
Gas Mask in the style of the "Are you My Mummy?" Kid from Doctor Who... or Psycho Mantis.
Sunglasses (now this is a Cam Clarke Reference).

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:

New Figure:
 Colossal Napoleon:
Essentially the Vintage Playmates figure but bigger and wider. Think Bebop Sized. The reason is to later sell a Mostly Genghis Redeco version of Napoleon. (New torso and feet that could be Reused for Attilla)
Open Mouth
Vintage styled

3× Snake whip
(Vintage pose, mid swing, twirling. Yes it's a Castlevania reference)
Fly swatter
Fly buddy different pose from vintage 

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Open Mouth head woth eyes closed.

Now let's try to make what I'd EXPECT Super7 to make:

Low new Tooling/ Redeco: 
Ray Fillet: Purple Shirt Red V version.
Same Ray as w5, but with the recolor I mentioned.
Fishsticks is Orange with a white hat.
Starfish is pink 
Gun has inverted colors
The anchor is in gunmetal grey and with a less thick rope.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Metal repaint of his gun mainly silver and gunmetal.

New variant:
Challenger Michelangelo:
Michelangelo in an Orange and Green Bruce Lee styled Tracksuit. 

Bruce Lee "woooooo!" Face

Enough to mimick most Bruce Lee's poses.

Single Nunchuck with real string
Sack for nunchuck
Bamboo stick
Bruce Lee wig

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory: 
Second nunchuck and Bamboo stick.

Vintage Variant:
Shogun Triceraton:
Repaint of Wave 8 Triceraton with a new Non-Zog head. New removable Samurai Triceraton helmet. New Samurai Belt with armor bits
New removable torso Armor.

2× New Katanas
Slash's mace
Double headed trident (yes, it's a reference)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Wrist mounted blade in blue translucent plastic.

New Character:
Using the Slash Body with new heads, arms, hands, and feet. We complete the body.

Vintage inspired head
Full open mouth head

Donuts to sub for Slash's shutiken and also a reference to Secret of the Ooze.
Caparace shield as a reference to Manhattan Project.
Slash's sword and crooked knife

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Toxic breath effect that plugs to open mouth head.

Tokka would get a Cool Ice GITD Redeco as a nod to Turtles in Time with toxic Ice breath being added to the accessories.

This is a "crappier" what I'd expect Super7 to do wave:

Low New Tooling/ Redeco:
Elite Guard:
Foot Soldier body with new head and Shredder cloth cape based on the Shredder Elite Guard.

Shredder Rack weapons 
New Naginata

New Variant: 
Raphael in his Nightwatcher outfit:
Nightwatcher helmet
Raph head
2× Manriki chains
2× Sai
Soft goods brown hooded cape for Leonardo.

Vintage Variant:
Ravishing Reporter April:
As always a few changes to avoid PMB. The first change is the wording on the name.
Second change:
Soft goods clothing.
The skirt is for articulation reasons. She will have shorts underneath to avoid panty shots. She would also lose the anklets.
The soft goods jacket WOULD NOT BE MADE OF PLEATHER. That stuff disintegrates if you look at it wrong.

Cardback art inspired
Judith Hoag hairstyle
Paige Turco Hairstyle.

Microphone Baton collapsed
Microphone Baton extended
Sai (reference to 1990 movie)
News notes
Press pass

New figure:
He'd mostly look like the Playmates toy but would come packaged with a Toon inspired head (no patch) hos second head would be the Toon head woth patch and angrier expression.

For accessories:
Edgy 90s Hooked hand (it's his normal hand painted to look like a stump while holding a big hook. Mikey did it)

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Hook hand painted to look like Merman's hand hasn't been painted by Mikey.

Last but not least the worst wave I think Super7 can come up with.

Low new Tooling/Redeco:
Toon Krang:
Essentially W5 Krang without painted veins and sturdier bubble walker legs in various shades of grays, blacks, and silver. No new accessories.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Vanilla Krang in GITD Pink Plastic. 

New Variant:
Battle Shell Donatello: 
Picture Vanilla Donatello with a Futuristic Armor covering his Shell and Plastron in Metallic Green for the Shell and Gold for the Plastron. The armor has ports for various weapons. He sports a Purple Utility belt with a D shaped Buckle that is also a bladed knuckleduster.

One of the heads should be reminiscent of Storage Shell Don, the other should be reminiscent of talking Donatello.

2× discus weapons that plug unto his chest
2× escrima sticks that plug to the sides of his shell (also they can be turned into a Bo)
Spear tip and Axe tip that plug on the back of his shell AND the Escrima sticks
2× small blasters that connect to the bottom of his shell.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
Pink GITD Escrima sticks/Bo

Vintage Variant:
Sewer Surfin' Leonardo:
Colors similar to the vintage Surfer Leo 

Removable glasses
Surfboard with removable leg strap for Leo.
The crab
2 star things
3 pucks of wax
Battle Umbrella (Think Ryoga Hibiki from Ranma½) but add a hidden blade in the handle... 

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
GITD Pink Umbrella

New Figure:
General Traag:
Since Playmates is being a little bitch about Super7 copying vintage accuracy, is this a reasonable compromise?
I kept the skintone matching his torso, because the toon shading was being a pain.
For a second head I'd add a close to playmates head while keeping this as the "default" head.

The only Advantage is that it can facilitate a new Granitor.

For accessories: Enlarged Foot Soldier Blaster, Rifle, Knife, the Shredder's Revenge weapons and call it a Day.

Super7 buy the whole wave accessory:
I-beam or steel girder fragment in GITD Pink Plastic

There you have it. I have some honorable mentions, but I'll save those to another rant