Jun 19, 2018

Faux vintage MOTU are coming... No MOTUC updates...

Yeah, it's gonna be one of THOSE rants. I can almost see Guru clapping with glee. All perched at the edge of his seat while wearing Green Lanter pajamas speaking to himself: "See! I knew he was going to turn on Super7!"
And he's not entirely wrong... You can pick up your jaw now, Scott...
I AM a bit miffed at Super7. They keep posting MOTU updatedms, but it's for things like MOTUSCLE, ReAction line (the pseudo Kenner line) ir the faux vintage MOTU...
How is MOTUC Wave 2 doing? No freaking clue. I've already mentioned that this silence can be uncomfortable to MOTUC fans... Hell, many of you might have noticed how Marvel Legends have crept up on The House of Rants.
(90s Jean Grey still eludes me.) MOTUC was what kept me away from Marvel Legends. I regretfully missed out on that Jean BECAUSE I was focused on MOTUC and missed out on it... Heck, I only stumbled on Black Cat by accident.

What I'm trying to say is that my focus is shifting thanks to Super7's silence. Their Novelty item focus is unappealing to me (and a portion of the fandom as well). Sadly, this Novelty item focus IS their bread and butter. Right now, we have no idea when wave 2 is coming. The figures are supposed to show up in August or September. There hasn't been a peep about these, nor teasers for wave 3.

If there is one good thing I can say about Neitlich is that he knew when to drop a teaser... I kinda miss that. Right now we KINDA NEED SOMETHING TO STAY INTERESTED IN THE LINE...

This "lack of care" could become detrimental to Super7 in the long run. The disconnect between Super7 and the importance of MOTUC for the brand is disconcerting. Saw the pint glasses at F.Y.E. but guess who chose NOT TO BUY THEM... Me. Hell, I'm even considering NOT BUYING The faux vintage figures...

I currently don't see Snake Mountain happening... if they don't step up to the plate, wave 2 might be the last MOTUC Wave (and club Grayskull would have an incomplete roster as well)

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