Aug 12, 2024

Damn You Haley Joel Osment and your Necrosight!!

 Now the motto is ruined... Now no one will tell us to Prepare for Trouble... nor To protect the world from devastation. No one will denounce the evils of truth and love... Team Rocket won't blast off to the speed of light, because James has no Jessie!! 

Also, Misty is dead too! Also no more Jigglypuff!

Rachael Lillis, the voice of the Aforementioned Pokémon characters has been seen by Haley Joel Osment. She died of breast cancer... fucking cancer... I wish I could Have my revenge on Cancer... I hate cancer! 

Holy shit, she was in Valkyrie Profile... finally, something non-Pokémon that I've heard of her that I've interacted with... gotta dust off the ol' PSP...

Wait she was Utena too!? She was Ami in DNA²? To be fair, I never watched these in English. 

But I'm saving the best for last: Like some of her Pokémon VA castmates, she did Hentai too!
She was Venus Red in Venus Five... 

In any case my condolences to friends and family.

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