Aug 26, 2024

Hypothetical Deluxe Turtles 2.0: another rant

 Supposedly, if the 2k3 TMNT toys do well, Super7 may add double jointed limbs to traditional figures... translation: revisiting older characters and make updated versions.

I'm going to take the 4 Turtles and plus them up and not make thr Vanilla Turtles we got with new arms and legs, less accessories, and a higher price point. Also, these would be released in quarters:
Q1 Leonardo
Q2 Donatello
Q3 Raphael
Q4 Michelangelo

In order to differentiate them from the vanilla Turtles, I'd make the belts brown. I'll keep the pads color coded to differentiate from movie and 2k3.

Now the belts will have interchangeable buckles: Mirage inspired knots or Toon inspired buckles.
Each Turtle will have 4 heads, extra hands, shuriken, kunai, and cat claws from Sewer Samurai Leo, Turtle comms as standard accessories.

The hands would be:
C-grips with horizontal and vertical hinges. (Raphael gets his C-grips that allow him to hold the sai from the prongs)
Dramatic hands
Judo chop/high 3 hands
Pointing hand.

His belt will still have the vintage toy crossed bandoliers.
-Inspired by Talking Leonardo
-Inspired by Headdropping Leonardo
-Inspired by Storage Shell Leonardo
-inspired by Egg Laying Raphael

Specialized Accessories: 
2 Sword slashing effect
2 Sewer Samurai Ninjato
Soft goods hooded poncho

His belt will different from.vintage as he should have the right bandolier go straight over his right shoulder and his left bandolier going to his right shoulder.

-Inspired by Wacky Action Donatello
-Inspired by Storage Shell Don
-Inspired by Power Lifting Don
-Inspired by Headdropping Don

Specialized Accessories:
Bo staff
Spinning bo staff effects
UC Raph head

He gets a new Vintage belt without the back pouch for the push knife.

- inspired by Slapshot Leo 
- inspired by Storage Shell Raph
- inspired by Ninja Action Raph
- inspired by Talking Raph

Specialized accessories:
Hands with twirling Sai effect
2 Sai
Pizza slice with hole to put on sai

Belt would be close to vintage... except the nunchuck loops would be made to hold both ends of the chucks together

-Inspired by Storage Shell Mike
-Inspired by Egg Laying Mike
-Inspired by Headdropping Mike
-Inspired by Wacky Action Mike

Specialized Accessories 
2 nunchucks
2 twirling nunchucks
Whole Pizza

I tried to keep them similar but different enough. If these do well, then revisiting some A-List characters would be a good idea... 

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