Aug 4, 2024

So I saw Deadpool and Wolverine

 Had to in order to reduce the amount of spoilers. Too many on social media. Well, sadly, no Blow Up Wolverine buckets for me. Review after the jump.

This is a bad movie. I mean it in the sense that movie critics that expect Shawshank Redemption or The Godfather are going to be highly disappointed. But Nerds, they're going to LOVE the living shit out of this movie.

I was surprised at the huge amount of Children in my showing... It's rated R for a reason. A Mom and her kids left the movie early on.

So, Wade's universe is dying because Logan sacrificed himself in Logan. He was the glue that held DP's universe together. So, Deadpool enters the Multiverse of Madness to find a Replacement Wolverine. Then it's a series of references, Easter eggs, and fourth wall obliteration held together by a tissue paper thin plot. I loved every freaking minute of it. This is not a deep movie which will evoke profound thoughts. It's a 2 hour Robot Chicken special for Deadpool.

IF a Deadpool 4 is made, please let it be Deadpool and Spider-Man. Preferably Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man.

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