Aug 23, 2024

It came from the Toy Chest: BST AXN Jennika


The fifth IDW Turtle. A former foot Assassin turned into a Mutated Turtle thanks to a transfusion with Leonardo's Blood.

I'm not gonna li've mentioned a few times that I wanted a figure of her. But is BST AXN it? Let's find out!

She has double-jointed elbows and knees. The rest of your articulation is very similar to other ninja turtle figures from various companies. The loyal subject screwed the push in your ticulation again. She has a pointless waist articulation point and They're articulation on the knees and elbows. I just bad cup joints. Were they? Added the hinges.The elderly. The elbow and the articulation is not Bueno. Straight cuts where the articulation was an afterthought.And when you bend in the joint it leaves a huge unsightly gap. I know that should go on the sculpting part but it affects the articulation. Did I mention the loose joints?Because she has a lot of loose joints except the head. It's supposed to be removable , but I nearly broke a finger trying to get the head off.

Paint and sculpt
She doesn't have any visible shading outside. Some sloppy washes under her fishnet sleeves and most of her is molded in the appropriate color. The sculpting captures the IDW aesthetics quite well. Unfortunately, I'm not a huge fan of that style. The heads are far too round for my taste...

Extra head
2 bandana ties
4 extra hands
2 slash effects

The banana thighs don't wanna stay on her heads and they fall off easily. Be careful if you're display room. And ask Shaggy carpets...
I almost broke her sword while trying to put it in her gripping hand...

Jennika gets a 4.17 as her final score. She?
Could have been a bit better but but she wasn't. All the Good will I had after Krang has been flushed. At least I didn't end up buying the 4 Turtles, and April figures.

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