Aug 15, 2024

I think Bully should get a remaster.

 I know Bully Scholarship Edition was made for XB360 and Wii... I own the Wii version, but since I shelved the WiiU a few years ago, I haven't played it. Come to think of it, other than Super Mario Maker and Breath of the Wild, I barely touched the WiiU. Nevertheless, I'm here to talk Bully and Remaster.

We got the somewhat lame Remasters of GTA3, VC, and SA. We got the decent remaster of RDR, so, why not Bully.

Yes, I'm well aware that I played the PS4 port of the PS2 version recently. No, I'm going through the master collection of Metal Gear Solid and already beaten Snake Eater and the first Metal Gear. Still got to do MG2: Solid Snake, MGS, VR Missions, MGS2, NES MG, and Snake's Revenge. Waiting for Snake Eater Delta, and the MVC Collection until GTA6 shows up. There's also the other retro style beat'em-ups like Karate Kid, MMPR, GI Joe... whatever happened to Suikoden 1 and 2, and the Gex Collection? Getting sidetracked here. 

OK scholarship edition is the definitive version of Bully with extra classes, missions, and characters. Currently it's locked to dead consoles. So why not add an extra coat of paint, and bring it to living consoles ie XB Series X/PS5. I know "XbOx HaS bAcKwArDs CoMpAtIbIlItY"  but my point still stands
 I'm not asking for a 360 port. I'm asking for an improvement upon the XB360 game. Maybe adding extra outfits, mission replay, or NG+ in order to make the remaster feel a bit more than a soulless cashgrab like adding Bully to GTA+.

With a decent polish and a few extras, maybe it could serve as a way to test the waters for a Bully 2. Also Fuck gta+.

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