Aug 14, 2024

James Cameron is being a little bitch again

 This time he's whining about people complaining about his Remasters. Apparently, the Criticism is that the Renasters were an AI upscale made from the previous Blu-ray release.

So, Jimbo is now whining about people complaining about grain structure, colors, etc.... it's as if he forgot how meticulous he can be with movies. Did he forget that film is a visual medium? If the "enhancements" are having a negative impact on visuals, people have a right to complain.

Seems that with old Age, Cameron has become a little bitch that cries over everything. It's sad and pathetic.

Also, Avaturds 4 and 5 are supposedly already written. 

And I don't like both of them, though BR is the least awful of both... 

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