Mar 9, 2022

Mandora the Evil Chaser, a rant

 Yesterday, Super7 put out Mandora the Evil Chaser as part of the 5.5 wave of Thundercats.

Barely a week ago we were hit with a 5 Figure TMNT wave, 4 of those being $55 figures and the last one a $75 figure. Let's pretend one is a completist and just bought the entire wave:

$295 + Shipping, Handling, and taxes. Now 5 days later they drop Mandora, the Evil Chaser...
OK, a $55 Figure isn't  that bad... with her $150 Space bike.

Yup, that's right! Not even a week has passed and they drop this ludicrous bomb. Her Bike is a smidge bigger than the Mattycollector Sky Sled...

Yup: $205 + Shipping, Handling, and taxes for  set of items whose combined value shouldn't be higher than $135 + Shipping, Handling, and taxes, WHILE TAKING SUPER7'S Price gouging into account. Before anyone tries to justify this with "Mattel's a much bigger company than Super7" argument, remember that Mattycollector was a tiny endeavor given a shoestring budget, hence the person in charge of Mattycollector had to use a lot of disgusting and dirty (yet legal) tactics to move product. They sold the Sky Sled and a figure for the price of 2. I simply boosted the price of a single figure 145.46% approximately in addition to adding Mandora to the bundle. It remains theoretically profitable while being somewhat more accessible to customers. I mean barely 5 days before they threw a $300 TMNT Wave... 
Does not reflect scientifically  accurate proportions.
There is a moderate degree of overlapping between Masters of the Universe fans, Thundercats fans, and ninja turtles fans THAT BUY FROM SUPER7.
Now Thundercats is more "MOTU Compatible" than TMNT. Most Children who grew up with Thundercats had more cartoon overlapping with TMNT than MOTU since the first run of the earlier TMNT seasons began airing around the second half of the original run of Thundercats. So this could translate into a small section of TMNT fans supporting Thundercats. I'd dare say that there are far more TMNT fans than Thundercats AND MOTU. 

Since Thundercats is the smaller fanbase, it relies on MOTU fans who can ignore Mattel's current Masterverse line long enough to get some Thundercats. Also it relies on TMNT fans to pick up the slack... Silverhawks is even smaller, and don't make me talk about Tigersharks.

It's REALLY BAD TIMING on Super7's part to throw an overpriced "Mini wave" in less than a week from a big TMNT wave. This is not something like a Disney wave where the Venn Diagram between Classic Disney movie action figure collector  and TMNT action figure collector would have that much overlapping.

The laughably bad price point for the bike is simply fulfilling the circular logic loop of "vehicles don't sell".

Why don't they sell? Because they're expensive.
Why are they expensive? Because they don't sell... repeat. 

It seems that B-Flynn is getting a bit greedy. He's oversaturating his own market. I wouldn't be surprised if Next week he drops Conan wave 4 with the Wizard Akiro, Valeria, Priest disguise Conan, and Subotai. I've commented about this a couple of times, but I'm worried about Super7 spreading themselves too thin that the bubble bursts...

Also after 2 years and 2 months from preordering, Mumm-Ra and Tygra are supposed to be arriving soon. I just got the confirm your address email for them.

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