Mar 16, 2022

Playmates is doing some Reissues-ish...

 I've made fun of Playmates and their excessive reuse of the 80s-90s TMNT molds. They're rereleasing the Party Wagon again! This time the Wagon is not alone... They are adding a friend:

The second most iconic TMNT Vehicle that is NOT THE PIZZA TOSSER!

Stop, you don't need to tell me. I'm well aware that this is not the Vintage glider, it's the 2012 glider using the Vintage balloon. It's a weird combination, to be honest. I don't know if I like it or not, but one thing is certain: it will be far cheaper than whatever Brian Flynn from Super7 would produce. I can almost see a $950 price tag on the blimp if it's made by Super7. I'll try to get one next month because it MIGHT work with the Super7 Turtles, even if they're bigger.

I know I poked fun at Super 7 for their excessively high price tags, but if they made a turtle blimp their balloon would be really interesting with all the drawn Parts on the vintage toy being made 3D Super7. It's probably would not be inflatable I would require a hell lot of assembly but it would look awesome! Not over $1000 plus shipping and taxes awesome, but you know...

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