Mar 24, 2022

Making a case for Human Baxter Stockman in Super7's TMNTU

 In my previous TMNT Ultimates list, I mentioned Human Baxter. But I didn't realize something: 
Human Baxter COULD SHARE PARTS WITH VERNON... Mainly the legs.

The arms, hands and crotchpiece could be reused from Baxter. The torso and heads would have to be new. The new torso is needed because of the interchangeable head and necks... remember that my suggestion for Baxter is to have the ability to change him from Mirage inspired to Toon inspired and viceversa. 

So I have a few proposals on how Baxter could be tackled:

Basic version:
New heads with necks (as seen on the Cobra Troopers), new torso with the toon vest and tie sculpted on, New Coat Torso overlay Based on Fly Baxter, preusing the Vernon legs and feet. The accessories would be hands for Caucasian and African American Baxter. A single Mouser.

Semi Deluxe version:
Similar to the previous Baxter BUT with a slight change: 
Torso needs the capability to swap arms and neck. The reason for the swappable arms is to be able to remove them to swap the "shirts" under the labcoat. One of the "shirts" is inspired by the toon, while the other is the sweater from Mirage comics. Both are meant to fit under the labcoat... (not at the same time.) The accessories would be the same as the basic version.

The Deluxe version is slightly more elaborate on the transformation betweem Baxters. Same Torso as the previous version, but this time he has 2 sets of arms:
The first set is The same as fly Baxter for Caucasian Baxter, then the other set is Vernon's arms with African American flesh for Mirage Baxter.
He would have the 2 overlays mentioned before for both versions. That way you have 4 display options:
Toon inspired Baxter
Mirage inspired Baxter
Mirage Baxter with lab coat
Toon Baxter with Mirage sweater and labcoat.
The only option unavailable is fully mirage Baxter because of the sleeves.

Due to the extra arms and overlays, there is no Mouser. He could always come sith some smaller accessories. Thinking of the Model scale building that Mirage Baxter destroys. 

The reason why I'm keeping the accessories low is to keep the price tag as low as possible. 

But back to the WHY a Human Baxter. The answer is simple:  it gives us options for Baxter.
If we like the cartoon version, we can have Pre-Fly and Fly Baxter. If we like Mirage, we can have Mirage Pre-Cyborg Baxter. If we like the Batman vs TMNT African American Fly Baxter, we give Fly Baxter Africab American hands.
 If I'm into TMNT Multiversal crossovers, I can have Both Fly Baxter and Mirage Baxter working together against the Turtles. At least this is a variant that makes sense... unlike Discord Mod Leo, Tumblr Mikey, Twitter Don, and Myspace Raph.

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