Apr 26, 2014

Hey What the!? Move over Nathan Drake, Lara Croft, and Indiana Jones!

We've found a new Archaeological hero (or villain) in Zak Penn... His name sounds familiar, since he's written (and co-written) some movies. Well, Mr. Penn has found the Unholy Grail of Gaming. I'm talking about the Legendary Pile of E.T. Games in the New Mexico Landfill!!

What Museum? The Museum of Crappy Games? (AKA The Angry Videogame Nerd's Basement?)
Speaking of the Nerd, I hope this discovery help James Rolfe to complete the infamous AVGN Movie:

I can't grasp the magnitude of this event (the discovery of the cartridges, not the AVGN Movie).  I mean, E.T. was a huge agent in the 83' game crash. If it wasn't for SEGA and Nintendo, I don't know WHERE the videogame industry would be today... This is almost as finding the original strain of the Bubonic Plague for videogames.

Somebody should make a videogame adaptation of the discovery of the ET game pile... something along the lines of a Tomb Raider game... Maybe the games are cursed and they kill whoever uses them...

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