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Carnage: Huh? |
Well, I'm doing Cloak and Dagger.
Tandy and Tyrone are nearly inseparable, due to the nature of their powers. Tyrone feeds by consuming people within his cloak, a portal to a dark dimension through which Tyrone can travel long distances shortly. He is mostly intangible, but can solidify himself by absorbing enough light (mostly from Tandy)
Tandy can generate light with her body. Usually projected as hard light daggers which can drain an enemy, or cure them from drug addiction (early 80s characters...)
They are part of the EVA Unit SP//DR BAF wave and I only bought them because of their ties to the only good LJN game...
Without the cloak, he's like a 4.5, but WITH THE CLOAK ON, which is kind of a DUH! thing since he's CLOAK, well, his head and Right arm are somewhat usable. This lowers his score to a 2.0
Dagger on the other hand seems to be on the same buck as Betsy... So she gets a
Paint and sculpt:
Cloak is molded in black and translucent black to give him that ethereal vibe. Even his cloak is in translucent black plastic with the blue stripes painted over. It's a pretty nifty effect. I already talked about the buck, which is functional.
As I said before, Dagger seems to be sharing a buck with Betsy, which is more better suited for Dagger. Mine has a slight paint issue on her torso. 2 bits of flesh paint fell off. Probably more noticeable in person.
Both include a BAF Piece. Dagger has the Torso and Cloak Forms the head...
Other than that Cloak has nothing... No, I'm not counting his cloak as an accessory because without the cloak he isn't cloak. 2.0
Dagger has a few light daggers. 2.5
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Dagger: If I'm the girl from Kickin' it, You're the douche from Drake and Josh... Cloak: *Hums* Spidey: Where is Carnash? Dagger: You mean Carnage... Spidey: that's what I said: Karnage... Cloak: Tale Spin? |
Cloak gets a 2.83 and Dagger gets a 3.67 BUUT since Cloak and Dagger are an INSEPARABLE TEAM they get a 4.75
Individually, they suck... Together, they rock!
All I need is Firestar and Nightwatch for the heroes and Doppelganger, Shriek, a Demogoblin that is NOT the Hasbro repaint of the demonic Hobgoblin and Carrion.
These two were high wants since the ToyBiz days and I'm glad they are finally here.
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