Aug 8, 2018

Shiro from Voltron is gay and it's not a big deal.

I know that this is old news, but I was asked my thoughts about it. Like it says on the title: it's not a big deal. Shiro, the kickass paladin who can be a bit dull at times likes men. It's not a bad thing really. All this time, he never showed interest in women and he was a kickass capable warrior. Unless he suddenly becomes "Gayshiro" and does everything very homosexually,  while pointing out that he is doing it VERY HOMOSEXUALLY, then there is no big deal.

In a way it's nice that this is revealed on almost the wnd of the series. Since they are dealing with the Paladins returning to Earth and finding out what changed while they were gone. This reveal feels organic. My only fear is that Shiro becomes "The gay one" as in stereotypical gay dude. Luckily, the whole Girl Pidge reveal has shown us that it wasn't a big deal... mostly because of the writing.
(Wish I could say the same of Etherian girl Utena)

Also, Shiro's former partner is called Adam. A part of me wants David Hayter to voice him...

No, but seriously, It's just how Lance was officially made into a Latino... a "throwaway line" about him being Cuban. (Though his Latino Heat gave it away a long time ago)

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