I WAS going to save it for the Advent Calendar, but there are other things that I could use on the possibly last BIG Time 24 day Advent Calendar from Nefty's House of Rants. I'm going through the backlog of toys to clear them ASAP. Like I'm waiting for Dino Thunder Black to review all 5 DT Rangers and make a Sentai themed week or something. But let's talk gunz... part deux.
Like I said in part 1, I'm not a gun aficionado, so I have no idea what most of these guns are. I know a few of them but it's like basic video game/movie knowledge. Remember that that most of my gun knowledge comes from Metal Gear because I don't play Call of Doody or other FPS games.
One of those rifles seems familiars |
It appears Spawn might be carrying a M-Series looking rifle. The other is a FAMAS looking rifle. 100% sure I am not, but like I said before, I am not a gun aficionado.
One of these guns reminds me of Solidus... FN90, I think. The other looks like reuse but it's a brand new sculpt. It's larger and has a small stock which wasn't in the previous pack. This one suits Spawn. |
I believe the one on Spawn's left hand is similar to the MP5 or the Sub machine gun in GTA Vice City. The other one is most likely a FN90, which I know as the Presidential gun of Solidus Snake.
Forgot to crop this pic with the smallest revolvers. |
These look like 38 revolvers with one of them being the short barrel version. If I recall correctly they used to be standard cop guns, but then again I'm not a gun expert.
This Ridiculously large gun is meant to be for the larger figure of Frankenstein.
Wait that's a Walther P38... Why do I know this gun?
Of course you know that gun, you donut... -picture it in Silver, with a stock and sight.
-Wait! Megatron! That's Megatron without the other stuff! I can't believe I didn't notice that until you pointed it out! Thanks, me!
-Don't thank me. Thank Frank Welker! Whose voice popped in my head when I grabbed the guns...
-So, did it yell: "Starscream" at you? Or was it: "Prime!!"?
-Let's move on, shall we?
-Come on! Don't leave me hanging!!
- The Wleker voice in my head said: "I am highly disappointed in how badly Fred and the rest of the mystery Inc. gang are being treated in HBO Max's Velma!"
-So you put your own words in Welker's mouth to share our opinion in Velma?
-No. I only subconsciously magined what Frank Welker WOULD SAY if asked to share his thoughts on Velma. If it were my words, it would've been something along the lines: Mindy Kaling deserves to be kicked in the cunt for making such a shitty show. No, I don't mean this as a butthurt Scooby-Doo fan, but the show in general is shit! The only likable character is a beta simp mangina. The only reason he's likable is because he's the only character who isn't an absolute piece of shit. The worst character of all is Mindy.
-Uh, don't you mean Velma?
-I know what I said, and Mindy Kaling is not playing Velma. She's just playing herself to fulfill some fantasy about banging Daphne from Scooby-Doo.
-Did we purposely meandered into a Velma review in the middle of a toy review to avoid giving it a full blown rant?
-Next gun!
Nefty we slipping... another uncropped pic? |
Red Hood is holding a very Sci-Fi looking gun... reminds me of Earthworm Jim's. I wonder if this is a placeholder for Blue Beetle's BB gun...
I don't know whose gun is Luthor holding, but it feels like it's well suited for him to use on the Alien.
A Sniper Rifle? |
Big ass Sniper Rifle... Has Todd made a Deadshot? No? Then Bloodsport, Deathstroke, or Red hood could use this...
A machine gun... wait, is this the FAMAS? |
Now Deathtroke has yet another thing to pump people woth pew pew holes! But I'm not sure if this is the same gun I used with Spawn or another one... wait, it's another gun... I really I'm not suited for these gun reviews. I need a gun expert here.
I wonder if it has infinite ammo. |
A machine gun with a drum barrel... by the way we're going I might have to beg for Todd to contact Konami to see if they let him make Metal Gear Solid figures.
I still can't believe that McFarland didn't reuse the Green Lantern construct for this pack. I mean that minigun was close to perfection. But this one is really good too! It would have been understandable if we had gotten that gun in gunmetal gray but, decided that he wasn't going to reuse so we got a brand new minigun.
Nefty-kun VO: When I was talking about popping, Harley, I was talking about black cherries... Harley: Mr. N, You're so silly! I popped that in college!! Nefty-kun VO: I wasn't talking about your anal virginity either. Harley, I was talking about popping the pits out of these black cherries to make weaponized black cherry pies for The Joker... He hasn't been the same since The Bat Lost his voice. Harley: It's almost as if he's dying from a broken Heart! Troy Baker VO: Will you two shut up! Or I'll... Harley: Sorry, Mistah J! Nefty-kun VO: I got a golf club, Joel and I was invited to the WLF Abby pro-am tour! In the NEFTYVERSE, YOU ARE MY BITCH, JOKER!! |
It's a ridiculously sized revolver with a cork in the front. It's obvious that this is meant for a comic book styled or video game styled Harley Quinn. I wonder if we'll be getting Injustice 2 versions of her soon? I know I heard rumors that an Injustice 2 Supergirl is coming.
Mattel Alfred has a blunderbuss; Your argument is invalid. |
I'm not sure but I think this gun is also meant for Frankenstein, but since it's on the smaller side it can fit with the six inch Mattel DCUC or DC Multiverse figures. Dear Todd McFarlane, we need a freaking Alfred figure like yesterday!!
Final thoughts
This pack is nice as well, but I felt that the first one was slightly a bit better in the variation of usable guns. While the guns remain mostly monochromatic, the colors are a bit brighter than the first accessory pack. Hopefully pack 3 will be more interesting.
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