Jan 6, 2023

James Cameron is weird...

 He's been whining about Superhero films lacking substance and being sophomoric, unlike his Furry Ferngully movies... well, James Cameron has a new enemy in sight and his name is wait for it... James Cameron, the director of Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Yes, that'right, James Cameron, the director of the Avaturd movies is attacking James Cameron, the director of Terminator movies for being a gun fetishist. If James Cameron, director of Avaturd, had his chance at directing a Terminator movie, he would downplay the usage of guns or eliminate them altogether.

What the Hell? The Terminator movies don't fetishize the guns! In the first one, the main gunplay came from the villainous Android encased in decaying flesh. On the second one, most of the gunplay came from the Heroic Android encased in decaying flesh and its main purpose was to delay the evil robot made out of liquid metal. A Huge emphasis on Killing Humans is bad. This point is driven hard when we see Sarah Connor, the waitress from the first movie, turned into a cold-blooded would be murderer when she attempts to snipe Miles Dyson. Her demeanor and gun usage used to showcase how Sarah had lost her humanity. If James Cameron, director of Avaturd, should have a beef with someone, it should be with James Cameron, director of Titanic for being a little bitch. The ones that fetishized guns were the ones NOT directed by Cameron.

Yes, James Cameron, Director of Titanic, got butthurt that Mythbusters proved that it was plausible for Jack to survive in the door with Rose. After he had accepted that Jack had to die for plot reasons, he was mad that Mythbusters proved him wrong, so James Cameron's gotten his own crew to make a "scientific study" to prove that James Cameron was right all along. Completely unbiased and not sketchy at all... What's next, Avaturd 3 has their own Fire Nation of Evil Na'vi where the White Man pretending to be Na'vi has to prove his superiority over them?  But yeah, we have a Fire Nation of Evil Na'vi...

On a slightly related note, since we're talking Terminator, Earl Boen has passed away. Wait, he also was Señor Senior Sr. from Kim Possible!? I thought that was Ricardo Montalban... wait, he was Sergei Gurlukovich!? As in Olga Gurlukovich's father and grandfather to Sunny Gurlukovich!? As in the guy betrayed by Revolver Ocelot when they were trying to steal Metal Gear Ray down in the Hudson River on August 8, 2007!? So I HAVE heard him in stuff outside of Terminator... he apparently was in Naked Gun 33⅓: The Final Insult.

As always, my condolences to friends and family.

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