Oct 23, 2018

Another Theoretical set of Marvel Legends waves idea

I've been pushed towards Marvel Legends and I shall take that and generate a list... because Ive run out of MOTU lists...
But I have to blame This for this list:

It has me in a Spidey frame of mind now.

I'm thinking 3 waves, not necessarily related to the game... OK, they have NOTHING to do with the game... though the game made me want a Mr. Negative. (And a Doctor Rigbypus)
Like I do with the MOTU lists, parts reuse will be strong in this one to allow certain figures to get new parts.

Wave 1: Morlun (6 figure BAF)
 I hate the Totem crap, but Morlun has kind of become an important character in Spider-Man's life.
I can see him on a body similarly sized to Omega Red or Venom. He would be the one who'd require a lot of new tooling.

Like I said, I hate the Totem crap, but we need at least 2 figures to have a connection to the BAF... it's a Nefty list... I NEED the BAF to make sense. She's literally a wasp winged female buck with monster hands and head. We could get away with a vintage wave wasp body in cloak's translicent black with Scream's hands and a new head.

Last Totem crap figure of the wave. Also, literally a new head on the Mark Ruffalo buck with Submariner feet.

The one we got a million years ago is crap... time for an update.

-Molten Man:
Classic Spidey character who straddles both sides of the thin line between good and evil. He's a normal buck in gold with clip-on flame effects.

-Spider-Man Unlimited:
I have a soft spot fot this outfit. Blame Neversoft for that... and the cartoon with Rino Romano voicing Spidey.

-Firestar (Amazing Friends version):
I have to put her in a list just to show my desire... and I needed a Hero for the wave that isn't Spidey...

Wave 2: Six Armed Spidey (7 figure BAF... See my Doppelganger dream on how to split the parts)
Yes, this is setting up the plan for a Doppelganger spider. Aside from the torso, he's virtually a normal figure, which would allow some more new tooling to be used on the wave.

-Will-o- the Wisp:
Another classic villain that requires very little in new parts but like Molten Man he likes to walk the thin line between good and evil.

-Scarlet Spider: (recent version of Ben's suit)
He's the Mandatory Spidey of the wave  and I kinda want a second head with the messed up Peter face.

-Mr. Negative:
He's so easy to do... can't believe I didn't put him on the list...

-Fancy Dan:
I know, Another suit guy? Well, Spidey has a lot of enemies who happen to be guys in suits. Also, we kinda need The Enforcers. But Fancy Dan is Old Man Logan Sized. All we'd  need is a new upper half of the upper torso, head and jacket... though we could get away with one of the existing ones.

-Armored Daredevil:
It's the Missing Daredevil... We kinda need him, I want him. Also Daredevil is a staple at filling Spidey Waves ever since the Toy Biz era.

I see some reuse from Gwenpool here. Her bag could be MJ's... you get the idea. She is a recent character who might be a pain, but I have to throw a few bones to modern fans...

-Spider-Man of Earth 3145:
Uncle Ben Action Figure... Repeat after me... UNCLE FREAKING BEN!!

Wave 3: Ox (6 figure BAF) He's the final Core enforcer and he could easily be made from a Sandman Buck with normal human arms)

-Superior Octopus:
The Parker/Ock Hybrid that looks like a "hot Mr. Crocker" and he fills up my Spidey/Ock fanboy... that definitely sounded way better in my head.

-Araña: (pre-spider-girl look)
She might require a little bit of new tooling  but is a more interesting look that ripping off julia Carpenter... Also, Gwenpool could donate her shoes...

We need a new Gargan. Preferably without action features. Venom Sized would be optimal. Very few new pieces. (backpiece to attach the tail, tail, and heads. Gargan needs the green mouth and the flesh toned mouth heads.)

Fills up the Spidey Variant Slot and The Spider-Armor hasn't gotten any love in ages.

-Alistair Smythe The Ultimate Spider Slayer:
I know he kinda requires a bit of tooling (but forearms could get reuse on Phage, maybe even the legs. The feet could be reused on the Spider Slayer Mark X)

The second Enforcer. He COULD be made with the normal suit buck, but I would like a new torso with the Bolo Tie. Just to spice things up! Also, he has a connection to the BAF.

It's kinda hard without having to reach into NAZI MADE OF BEES level... and if you kinda notice, I have kept it MOSTLY within the 616 as a challenge... I could've done HYDRO MJ... Now I kinda want a Hydro MJ! D'oh! But Uncle Ben was far more Tempting... I could have gone with Spider-Ma'am... or a Golden Oldie

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