Oct 31, 2018

Pre-Halloween odds and ends.

What if I told you a crazy story involving Mr. Feeny?
Someone tried to break and enter into Feeny's home. He turned on the lights and the would be burglar left...

I was hoping something along the lines of the Dolph Lundgren's incident where thebwould be burglars realized they were attempting to steal from He-Man slash Ivan Drago and they stopped... but more Mr. Feeny...

Imagine this:
Burlgar enters residence. He then realizes that he's at Mr. Feeny's home when he hears William Daniels' amazing voice calling him "Mr. Burglar".  He then gives the Burglar a Feeny lesson and the Burglar surrenders himself to the cops swearing that he'll be a better person when he geta out.

Whiny bitch, LeBron James is tired of the Lakers losing... Wait, Time out! If he's tired of the Lakers sucking, then WHY did he pick them as his new team? Then we have the blunders made by James in said games. Oh wait those don't count. It's always everyone else's fault.

Crying to the media that your team sucks is NOT the best way to get them to work with you... if Space Jam 2 happens, there better be a lot of references to thongs being better with Jordan...

But this isn't the real reason I mention LeBitch James...
He wants to reboot Friday the 13th...
This just seem like setting up another excuse for his eventual NBA shortcomings...

That's it for now... I have 4 PVC tentacles that need to be covered in duct tape...

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