Oct 29, 2021

It came from the Toy Chest: Antiguos Espiritus del Mal transformen este cuerpo marchito en Mun-Ra el que no muere

 Siiiiiiiiiiii! Estoy haciendo una reseña al Mun-Ra de Super7 porque llegó Reptilio... siiiiiiii...

For the Spanish impaired folks this is just a reference to the Spanish version of Slithe AND Mumm-Ra... the depowered version. I won't be comparing between Super7 and Mattel's because the Mattel version is currently in storage and I don't feel like looking for him... since I let Top Men take care of him...


Top... Men...

I just wanted to make that Indiana Jones reference.

Who is Mumm-Ra the ever-living? Ancient evil dude in charge of third Earth. Is blissful reign of terror was ruined by the ThunderCats.

Slithe on the other hand is the leader of the Reptilian Mutants of Plun-Darr. He was Ratar-O's field cook... but now that the Rat is gone he acts as the de facto leader of the Mutants.
Mumm-Ra: What do you want, Slithe?
Slithe: Which one do you think is Better, Yes?
Mumm-Ra: They both suck unless they're attached to a Thundercat corpse. NOW PISS OFF! I HAVE TO TAKE A DUMP!!
Slithe: You can poop? Do you even eat!?
Mumm-Ra: Weren't you a cook? Maybe you can make me something that even Gordon Ramsey can approve...
Slithe: Who?
Mumm-Ra: a First Earth chef, popular for his scathing criticism of culinary incompetence.

Mumm-Ra is exactly the same as his Mattel counterpart. The articulation is limited by the bandages and the cloak... normally I'm against cloth items, but Super 7 managed to do a decent cloak for Mumm-Ra. In fact I'm going to be using it as the default Cloak.
4.0 with cloth cloak 3.5 with plastic.
Slithe: Those are some weird items, Yes?
Mumm-Ra: Indeed... I have The Undertaker's urn, this bitch boy medallion, a weird sex toy too... this gives me an idea!!
Slithe: wait, what!?

Reptilio Slithe has some unique articulation due to his body type. Theoretically speaking he could fit in a nose diver if it were made. Personally, I'm surprised at the amount of articulation he has. Despite what some may consider a limited head movement he can be quite expressive with the articulation and both headsculpts.
Mumm-Ra: Ancient Spirits of Evil, Transform this decaying body into a Warrior Maiden with big boobas!
Slithe: Why?
Mumm-Ra: Because Boobas are the weakness of three Thundercats. Panthro loves the Booty and Lynx-O is blind...
Slithe: What about Bengali... he might be a bit...
Mumm-Ra: a bit what? SLITHE?
Slithe: Gay?
Mumm-Ra: Wait did you just claim he's gay, because he isn't a pervert? He could totally be Asexual... He could also be a chubby chaser,  or maybe he has Jungle or Yellow Fever...
Slithe: Um, aren't  those terms racist, yes?
Mumm-Ra: Indeed they are... Why are the ASOE taking so long?
Nefty VO: Super7 hasn't delivered Mumm-Ra yet... Also they haven't made any Warrior Maidens...
Mumm-Ra: Don't you have a Figure with big boobs that you can use for this skit?
Nefty VO: on it!!

Paint and sculpt 
Mumm-Ra is very bright in comparison to his Mattel counterpart. His Deacon Blues are a bit brighter and his cloak is a bright red with some light dark shading. The sculpt is captured pretty well as I've mentioned in my Mattel Mumm-Ra review.

Mr. Slithe captures that rankin-bass look perfectly. There are no paint issues on my figure which is a good thing.
Reptilio: Oh gran Mun-Ra! Déjame tocar tus chichis... Siiiiiiiii
Mun-Ra: Reptilio, acaso eres idiota o te haces?
Yo no soy homosexual...
Reptilio: Veo que no tienes pito... eso lo hace heterosexual... Siiiiiiiiiiii!
Nefty VO: Who changed the language settings to Spanish? Ugh, let me summarize. Slithe wants to grab dem tiddies, but Mumm-Ra reminds him that he's a cishet dude disguised as a woman...
Slithe then points out that since Mumm-Ra is now without a penis, any sexual act wouldn't be gay... seriously, this new Responsibilities that reduce my time for getting laid are messing with my head...

Mumm-Ra comes with
Extra head
2 extra hands
Hilt for the sword of Plun-Darr 
Urn of Thundranium
Book of Omens
Medallion or Rosenkratz
This is way more than what Mattel gave us.

Slithe comes with
Extra head
2 extra hands 
2 Poleaxes
It's the bare minimum BUT aside more hands, I can't think of what to add here.
Mumm-Ra: Off to Horny Jail with you...
Slithe: Y-E-S!!!!! THIS IS MY FETISH!!!

Mumm-Ra gets a 4.67 with cloth cloak and 4.5 with plastic. Despite the additional accessories, it's the Cloth Cape what makes Super7's Mumm-Ra the superior figure. I'm shocked.

Slithe gets a 4.83 as his final score. He's a nice Hefty figure that looks awesome and Poses incredibly! As much as we like to complain about the delays with the ThunderCats figures, Slithe is well worth it... now I await 

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