Oct 15, 2021

It came from the Toy Chest: Shadow Warriors 2 pack

 As you saw in the Danny Pennington review, I indeed have the Shadow Warriors 2 pack. Sadly, Casey Jones still eludes me. So, the 2pack consists of Oroku Saki and Hamato Yoshi. Members of the Foot Clan with a blood feud that will continue for many years. These are based on the flashback told by Splinter, where he was Yoshi's pet rat and practiced ninjitsu by mimicking Yoshi.

Splinter: Let me tell you a story...
Danny: I don't feel comfortable with a rat that uses the N-word so freely...
Splinter: Listen here, you little shit! I didn't use the "N-word". I said Nigerundayo, which means Run away in Japanese. But if you want to go back with Teen Wolf and the 1950s Racist Dr. Brown, feel free to do so.
Danny: you have a point...
Splinter: Of course, I do. I am after all sitting on
a giant tub of Vick's Vapo-Rub.
Danny: What does that have to do with anything?
Splinter: Are you doubting the wisdom of a Million Abuelitas?
Unlike other continuities where Hamato Yoshi is mutated into a rat.
Most classic continuities have a rivalry between
Hamato Yoshi and Oroku Saki, but none outside the Original Mirage Comics have tackled the man that Yoshi killed, Oroku Nagi, Shredder's older brother.

Both Yoshi and Saki share the same type of articulation since they're essentially the same figure from the neck down. When wearing the gi, the torso articulation is slightly hindered.
Yoshi: Kick, Punch, it's all in the mind
If you wanna test me I'm sure you'll find
The things I'll teach you are sure to beat ya!
Nevertheless, you'll get a lesson from teacher, now Kick!
Splinter: *rat noises*
Yoshi: Punch!
Splinter: *rat noises*
Yoshi: Chop
Splinter: *rat noises*
Yoshi: Block!
Splinter: *rat noises*

Paint and sculpt
This set is a NECA set and there was a lot more love and care put into it than say, Danny Pennington. The customization options between sleeved gi, unsleeved gi, and no gi help spice up the displays. Lots of attention to detail was taken here... like Master Yoda, speaking I am... I am really pleased with the figures.
Yoshi: What!?
Splinter: *panicked rat noises*

Cage with stand
2 sets of arms
2 sets of 4 extra hands
2 Splinters (ninja and mourning)
2 nunchucks 
2 tonfa
2 katana
2 halberds
2 bo staves
Scarred Oroku Saki head
Saki: Curses! Bested by a rat!!
Splinter: *Heroic rat noises*

I can't complain here.
Saki: I would say Tonight I dine on Ratatouille, but I just found out that Ratatouille does not contain any rats! So, Hamato Yoshi, enjoy your last moments of life with your beloved rat, as I will enjoy my victory with Turkey... with pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes! Butter drenched dressing... Tony onions swimming in a sea of cream sauce!
Splinter: *sad and confused rat noises*
Saki:*spits on Yoshi's corpse* May you never find peace and forever be known as a disappointment to your ancestors!
Splinter: *vengeful rat noises*

This set gets a 4.83 as its final score. Not going to lie, this is a pretty good set for a pair of characters that were flashbacks... Now if we could only get Tatsu, then we could truly call the first movie collection "complete". Now if I could find a Casey...

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