Oct 22, 2021

The Batman and Uncharted trailers have made me...

 Very excited... how excited you ask? In the scale of one to Jessie Spano, I'm calling Mario Lopez a sexist pig.

Let's start with Uncharted:

For an "origin story" on an alternate universe that doesn't follow the game continuity 100% faithfully, the movie looks pretty good. There are multiple nods and callbacks or callforwards to the games. The only thing I don't like is Marky Mark as Sully. 

And no, no one would be able to sound like Nolan North as Drake... I've seen some negative criticism calling the action sequences "videogamey"...

I can't wait to see this movie!!! Shame that El Cine Roosevelt shut down... (it used to be my favorite movie theater, ever since Mom passed. It was one of my main sources of escapism, but COVID-19 hit smaller businesses hard.) This means that I'll have to hit Caribbean Cinemas, which translates into more expensive tickets and with my recent responsibilities, I can't spend too much money at movies... (and that also includes reductions on ny toys and games budget. Being an adult is a lot harder than I thought...)

The Batman:

It looks good, but it's yet another Batman movie. To make things worse it's another "grounded and realistic" Batman movie. Sure it has cool fighting scenes, but have you seen Catwoman and Riddler? Also, that's another problem: Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman... Where are the cool villains? Clayface, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, an actual Bane that is not Tom Hardy sniffing a jockstrap. The weird and bizarre stuff. Don't get me wrong, this Riddler could be good. The problem is that it looks NOTHING like the Riddler. A green windbreaker and a weird facemask the Riddler does not make. When the Free Government Money guy is more Riddler looking than your Riddler...

I would also like to see a Batman 2 part movie series where he has to do detective work. Like say, Batman is working on multiple cases that not quite fit the standard MO of some of his villains. Like plant based crimes while Ivy is locked in Arkham, mysterious crimes in which the criminal leaves clues for their next crime in the form of puzzles, but not the type of puzzles/riddles that Nygma would do. Also, there is a Sniper assassinating various key players of Gotham's upper classes... and Zsasz is on the loose. This would be a Jason Todd recently died story, where Batman has gotten ruthless and is more focused on the mission. He's shut himself of from Nightwing, Oracle, and even Alfred. High School Junior student Tim Drake figures out Batman's identity and decides to become the new Robin in order to Temper Batman's rage. Tim aids Batman and Nightwing in the capture of the Floronic Man. Batman begrudgingly accepts Tim as Robin, but this is cut short after an encounter with Zsasz at Gotham High. Tim was wounded (nothing fatal, but a bit too hard to hide it from his dad) and he puts a stop to the whole Robin thing.

The second part would be Batman trying to figure out the identity of the Sniper. Another teen vigilante spoils the identity of the Not Riddler, being Cluemaster, who was hired by the Sniper to act as a distraction for Batman. The Sniper ends up being Deathstroke who kills Tim's father. When Batman confromts Deathstroke, he discovers that Slade was a hired gun. The previously unrelated cases end up being related by a mysterious player was trying to bring havoc upon Gotham... The answer to this should be obvious to people with more than casual knowledge of Batman. Please leave your answer in the comments below.

Holy crap! I got sidetracked again... I just want something more out of a Batman movie than:
My parents are dead... must kick ass because I'm Batman!

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