May 27, 2024

Collecting is getting harder in 2024.

 And that's annoying. McFarlane is tossing items online where you blink and you miss them. In store distribution is a bitch. I saw an Injustice 2 Supergirl who had been a victim of swappers replaced with a Mattel Melissa Benoist. Maybe a few Prehistoric Batman figures and some Animated Superman in black suit and Flash. Mortal Kombat is dead. Witcher is just as dead with Jaskier hitting clearance.

Mattel, Mattel, Mattel. If it wasn't for sites like BBTS or Entertainment Earth, I'd be unable to buy your products... With piss-poor distribution it's hard to get product... The few Masterverse I got this year have been due to BBTS.

NECA: I gave up on Gargoyles, due to price and availability. Good line, but too much hassle to get. Even their TMNT Have been a bitch to get. Couldn't get the Haulathon Mirage Baxter because Target doesn't ship to PR and Haulathon refers PR orders to Target. So fuck you, then... make them easier to get and I might bite some more.

Hasbro... I got a few MLs but not from Brick and Mortar retailers. Still missing half the D&D kids... which I'll probably get online... and the few joes I want too...

Super7... Shipping Methods change constantly and consistently. 1 day Preorders to Puerto Rico are unavaliable (despite in-stock items being shipped for $15-ish with USPS priority shipping. Got an in-stock Flocked Splinter waiting at the post office.) Other times preorders are FedEx only, which puts the shipping at almost $100 for no reason. Other times they have USPS shipping for preorders, but no figures I'm interested in. 
If the stars align for TMNT or Dungeons and Dragons, I'll go through them, otherwise it's preordering through third party sites. Then there's the waiting times.
Ninja April, Karai, Casey, Robotic Bebop, Triceraton, Bulk, Skull, Alessandro Alegré, Snarfer, Hank, Sheila, 2 Rat Kings, Battle damged Foot Soldier, Ronin Leo, Rappin' Mike...
In 2 years, that's 16 figures between s7 and third party sites. I like their stuff, but they make it so hard to get it! (Half the stuff is preordered on third party sites and this will sting a lot!) Also, looking at super's Robot Reaper redeco and that Floppy needs to be made available with other stuff in an individual accessory pack. The not a gameboy is tempting too! 

Jada: The only complaint I have with them is the slow drip of releases and distribution outside of Target. I recently got Ken, but he's not Kenough when Bison and Dhalsim are still MIA. But the figures are decent and at a reasonable price.

I gave up on Storm Collectibles and SH Figuarts a long time ago... prices went too high and QC isn't there.

Playmates... well they do so little that appeals to me that finding something appealing is a massive event only to end up disappointed... looking at you, Billie Eilish. 

I want to collect, but the world is making everything so freaking hard. Right now the easiest company to collect from is Diamond Select, though I haven't seen a JCVD in the wild yet.

The only awful part of this collecting "sight unseen" is when the figures are just BAD! But when they're good... Ohohohoho! They are freaking sweet!  Not going to drop names on the current freaking sweet figure.

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