May 13, 2024

Electronic Arse thinks Ads are good for gaming.

Just Don't... unless it's sports games or Open World Games that are in a modern setting. Like say: Boxing game has ads from Everlast, Budweiser. Basketball game has ads from Nike, foot locker, hanes underwear, doritos, Boost Mobile. Baseball game has ads from Hebrew National, Rawlings, ESPN, etc. Walking through a dystopian NYC and seeing Taco Bell ads in times square would make sense. But knowing EA, they'll make the most intrusive ads and make you pay an ad-blocking subscription with an outrageous price and it won't block all ads. Aso, they won't lower game prices due to ads.

EA is going to make Kojima say: "Hori sheto eben I amu noto that burunto wisu mai aadubetaisumento!"

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