May 13, 2024

This is why ganing is fucked up:

 It's no secret that I'm not huge on DLC. I've often criticized the price gouging practices in DLC. Well here's a free game that has Gacha content and while most of it is free, there are a few times that they got crazy into scalper territory.

Yes, that's right: $100 for a unique character on a "free to play" game that turns into a "pay to win game". Right now they're setting up the second half of a TMNT event where you can "easily obtain" Turtles, but leveling them up requires real life money. At least these are more accessible that CAPCOM's Street Fighter 6 Turtle skins THAT CAN'T BE USED IN NORMAL GMEPLAY! This is asking 1.43 (approximately) times the cost of a FULL PS5 GAME for a fucking character. These should be two or three dollars the most. But gacha addicts keep throwing money at crap like this.

And that's why we get companies throwing incomplete games and demanding the price of a console in DLC. 

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