May 25, 2024

Haley Joel Osment saw Doge...

 Very Aerith, such Yuna dance, wow... apparently, this time the Doge dog died for real.
There was a hoax going a few years back... this time the Doge died for real and due to a hepatitis/cancer combo...
I am not a fan of that combo. My condolences to the owner.

Tomb Raider 1-3 Remaster is getting a Physical Release. That's cool and all that bit WHERE IS THE SEQUEL WITH THE OTHER CLASSIC TR GAMES?  We need to close the Classic Lara Collection before she gets sidelined. There's a basic version and a fancy version.

Neil Cuckmann has gotten some backlash for his praise of AI... as it should be. Let's call it for what it is. AI is being looked at as a resource to reduce collaboration, cost cutting, stifle creativity, and most importantly stolen valor.

I'm not entirely against AI. It has some hilarious purposes, but at the same time, they're incredibly evil.

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