May 20, 2024

It came from the Toy Chest: wait all this time the song said Super fighting Robot and not The Fighting Robot!?


Mega Man! Yes, I got a Mega Man figure by Jada Toys... I have to be honest, I didn't really appreciate Mega Man until my late teens/ Early adulthood. I kinda disliked Mega Man because of my Childhood Rival. Dude was OBSESSED with Mega Man. Eventually, I caved and accepted Mega Man... so, JS, this review is for you.

Who is Mega Man... He's Rock a household robot. When Docta Wahwee stole Doctor Light's 6-8 Robot Masters, (6 in the origonal timeline. 8 in the canceled Powered Up Timeline) Rock, fueled by a strong sense of justice offered himself to become a Super Fighting Robot, Mega Man! ( I still prefer the fighting robot though.) Unlike Robot Masters that are specialized in a single task, Mega Man is a modular robot and can adapt to various situations based on the weapon chips he can collect. That's more or less how the boss absorbing powers are explained. And that will justify the multicolored variants of Mega Man. 

Despite having Single joints, Rock is able to pull off Most of his game poses! He can also do some non game based badass poses.
Now to trigger some people:
Jump! Jump!

Slide! Slide!

Paint and sculpt:
There is some subtle shading on the glossy dark blue parts of Mega Man's body that makes the figure pop! I stand corrected even the Matte light blue Parts have this shading as well. The sculpt is not hyperdetailed but it does have a few small details that make the figure pop! I am most pleased with this figure in this aspect.

I know Jada shorts us on these, but that keeps the figures at a lower cost. 
We have:
1 extra head
1 mega buster
2 extra hands
Energy blast
Stand for blast

I would have paid $5 more for this figure if it had included the symmetrical pair to the extra hands and a hurt expression head. (Mega Man 2.0 will have the helmetless head. That's why I didn't mention it.)

Despite me feeling that he needed a little bit extra, what he currently has is plenty and satisfactory for the most part.

Mega Man geta an excellent 4.83 as his Super Fighting Robot score. God damn it Jada why did you do such an amazing job with the Mega Man figure!? Now I'm tempted to get the Robot Masters. But these guys I need as well. In any case, JS they finally made a great Mega Man figure that isn't a Japanese import!

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