So, Sailor Jupiter... She's the fourth Senshi to be awakened (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus) She's the tough one (due to her tragic past with her parents dying on an airplane crash)
The Articulation on ALL 5 Senshi is mostly the same. I point this out now since this part may be copied and pasted on each of the Senshi Reviews, but each Senshi has some Articulation that is Specifically made for Each. The range Of Articulation, particularly on the arms is astounding. Even though the Senshi have skirts, they have slits and the skirt overlaps the front and back to hide the slits. (I assume this was what the 4 Horsemen were trying to emulate for MOTUC, but Mattel design, in their ass backwards ways didn't understand)

Now specifically for Sailor Jupiter, her Ponytail articulated. It's on a ball joint that allows for some dynamic posing, but not as dynamic as you'd think.
Paint and Sculpt:
What can I say here that I haven't said on past Senshi? The paint

-10 extra hands
-3 Extra Faceplates
-Extra hairpiece with the Jupiter Thunder Antenna
Jupiter gets a 5.0 as her final score. The only complaint I have is the lack of thunder effects, but Bandai has Generic Thunder effects that you can buy...

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