Jun 4, 2019

Magic 8 ball, do you have Shenmue 3 info? (Odds and end June 4th) *language*

Yes but it's not good...

Hello Everyone,

Today, Yu Suzuki & Deep Silver would like to give a message concerning the release date.

Shenmue III will now release on 19th November 2019.
 As much as it sucks that it's delayed that's actually good news.
Besides, this delay was a bit expected... at least it wasn't delayes until March 2020...

Magic 8-Ball, are the people at Mattel snorting cocaine out of a dead prostitute's butt crack?

It's because they're working with Blumhouse to make a movie about you...

Seriously, a Magic 8-ball movie? I mean witb the Ouija board, you have the whole demons spelling stuff... wait, is the Ouija board a Demonic spelling bee? The 8 ball has nothing but preset yes, no, maybe... answers.  Lay off the drugs, Mattel... stick to the brands that could actually carry a movie... like Barbie, Hot Wheels, Street Sharks... you know, brands with plot...

I know what you're thinking, Scott Neitlich hatong mysterious Mattel employee... Why didn't I mention He-Man... That's because you let Sony fuck it up worse than they did Ghostbusters, or the Andrew Garfield Spider-Douche movies.

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