Dec 15, 2019

Advent calendar ICFTTC 15: Teenager with BAD attitude

I am talking about Tommy Oliver, back when he was green With evil. But this time, Tommy is not alone. He carries a Putty Patroller with him. Yes, biys and girls, I have a Green Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger vs Putty Patroller 2 pack.

Won't redo the whole evil ranger turned good speech.
The putty patroller is Rita's go to cannon fodder grunts.

Let's start with Tommy:
He can't play the Dragon

 standard lightning collection articulation. Sadly his wrist articulation is inferior to Bandai US version of him.
If there is one mandatory pose for the Green Ranger is him playing the dragon flute and he can't do it properly.
My kingdom for a normal MMPR!

Paint and sculpt;
This ISN'T MIGHTY MORPHIN' GREEN RANGER... as he was in action. This is the VERSION of the Green MMPR that tested Doctor Thomas Oliver in Dino Thunder.
The Mighty Morphin version lacks the cool silver accents on the helmet and the sheath for the dagger is on his left. Also the morpher is gold amd black... with that said It is activated fighting Spirit versión. What bugs me is that I'll have to buy yet another Green Tommy to have a more accurate to Mighty Morphin when they release a single card it Mighty Morphin Tommy.
All I need is Zeo V, and
Dinothunder Black...

2 hands
Sword of Darkness
Green energy effect
White Tommy unmasked head.
Once again my gripe is that he didn't get that unique head. He just got a reuse of the White Ranger head and I was hoping for the Untied longish kind of mullet-y head that he had back when he was green with evil.
Everyone knows Ryu can
beat Tommy...

 Tommy gets a 4.35 as his final score. I got to be honest lazy reuse of hands and articulation issues worst being that you cannot do the quintessential green ranger pose hurt him a lot. Hopefully this single carded release of Tommy will give him better hands to use the dragon dagger and the proper Mighty Morphin look.

Now, let's tackle the Putty:
Putty: Gluglugluglu!
Ryu: dafuq?

The Putty shares a body with the Rangers. Meaning that the articulation is Similar on those shared parts.  the main difference in articulation is in the gloves. The body patroller gloves are one piece and have no wrist articulation.
Ryu: I'm tripping more balls
than the time I fought Super Mario...

Paint and sculpt
My Putty is a SATANIC PUTTY. Because they had an accident in assembly and put the belt upside down. And Instead of a five point star pentagram I have a satanic five point star pentagram with him. Other than that he looks like a standard  putty patroller. Some people myself included would like to nitpick that the face should be a slightly darker gray than the hood but it's an acceptable putty patroller.
Lord Zedd: Where are my Z-Putties!?
Goldar: Hasbro hasn't made them, sir!
Lorz Zedd: Rita?
Goldar: Nope!
Lord Zedd: Any Rangers to beat?
Goldar: Tons! There's SPD, Dino Charge...
Lord Zedd: From, Our Era, you Golden dildo!
Goldar: Tommy, Tommy, Zack with Tommy Powers...
Goldar: There's Kimberly and she may have gotten a little Tommy in her... and there's Jason with Tommy Powers...
Lord Zedd: @#$^ Tommy...
Goldar: Normal Jason and EVILER THAN YOU TOMMY are coming....
Lord Zedd: NO REALLY @#$%^ TOMMY!!

 the party has a pair of alternate hands and the spark effect for one of the hands. And to be honest there isn't much that you can do with a reader putty patroller so it is what it is.

The putty patroller gets out 4.5 as his final score. I got to be honest here they should have just released a putty 2 or 3 pack and it would have sold just the same. Right now if I want to get more putty patrollers I need to get multiple Tommys. And getting multiple Tommy's is a normal thing in a Power Rangers lines seeing that Tommy has been in way too many series.

The set gets a 4.0 and Incredibly enough the thing that drags down the score is Tommy. I completely blame the inability to be able to pose Tommy in his most iconic pose.

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