Dec 2, 2019

Advent calendar:ICFTTC#2: Mastodon! With Dragon Shield

The Walgreens exclusive PRL Zack...
 the original Mighty Morphin Black Ranger powered up with the Dragon shield after Tommy lost his green ranger powers. Like Jason before him, Zack is sporting the Green Ranger Dragon Shield.

 I haven't seen Kimberly yet. Guess I'll have to get her via eBay.

Like The Green Ranger, and the SDCC Exclusive MMPR Jason, Zack shares sculpt with these guys... meaning that in theory, their articulation is identical due to the identical bodies. The articulation is basically something similar to Marvel Legends, or the White Ranger.

Paint and sculpt:
Aside the black Ranger head and Zack head the sculpt is similar to Jason wearing the green Ranger armor. There's a bit of fuzziness in the paint job near the gold arm bands. curiously enough they painted the black Ranger normal armor underneath the Dragon shield.

Power Axe
Energy effect
Pair of hands
Zack head
Some of you will ask, why no dragon dagger?

Zack gets a 4.67 as his final score. One thing that worries me is that he is a Walgreens exclusive, Jason was an exclusive for SDCC and Wave 3 Red MMPR IS STILL JASON! Wave 2 Pink is Kimberly...  see what I'm getting at? No Kat, no Rocky, No Adam... sure those three you can get them with the Zeo Rangers, but Aisha was only Yellow MMPR, not a Zeo Ranger. Inless we get Ninjetti Rangers, there's no Rocky, Adam amd Aisha.

 don't get me wrong he's a decent figure but I kind of wish I had the normal Black Ranger because I don't care too much for the Dragon shield in any Ranger other than green.

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