Nov 22, 2021

MOTU Revelation pt.2 starts in a couple of hours...

 And some less than pleasant rumors have surfaced. The rumors were "correct" about He-Man not being on the show aside Episodes 1 and 5... No, having Flashbacks doesn't really  count as He-Man being in every epsiode. Since the plot is literally moved forward by the "DEATH OF HE-MAN/ADAM". What the rumors got wrong was the sapphic telationship between Andra and Teela. With that said a few screenshota here and there taken out of context can look like they were lovers. There I blame Powerhouse's animation style.

Orko's "death" was "correct" but at the same time it wasn't, since we can't truly claim that he "died" especially with the trailer for part 2 showing he's back.

There have been 2 BIG rumors regarding part 2:

One states that He-Man ends up dying again or surrendering the power completely in order for a new female and black champion to rise... I Don't trust this rumor, but since it's "current year" and recent tendencies in Western Media have had male characters being replaced by females, I can't fully ignore it.

The Other Rumor states that like in Part 1, He-Man is a no-show for most of the series. Coupled with the Hulk Smash He-Man we've seen (spoiled by the toys), this one seems more likely.

I honestly hope that part 2 doesn't suck. Part one wasn't awful, but it wasn't great either... but it would be hilarious if part 2 ends up being as the rumors stated just for the sake of seeing a couple of peoples'heads implode after Kevin Smith promoted attacks on bloggers and YouTube channels that spoke about these rumors. I HOPE not, but if it does happen,  I might as well have a laugh. 

It's not like we have an Eternian Sailor Scout...

I guess we'll find out in a couple of hours.

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