Jun 16, 2023

Good riddance Snyderverse: I saw The Flash.

Or The Flush, as some Snydertards who put a hard tard on Snydertard like to call it. Unwittingly, they're saying their beloved Snyderverse is shit... now that I got that out of the way, let's talk Flash. Before I start: 

Ezra Miller and their erratic behavior NEED to be ignored in order to fairly review the movie. I believe they shouldn't be rewarded for their terrible behavior by keeping them as Barry post reboot. But I would be doing the movie a disservice if I say: "Screw being objective, the movie sucks because it still has Ezra Miller!" While I'm an asshole with a blog, I try to have some integrity when reviewing stuff... and I pay for my stuff, because toy companies don't send me free samples, nor I get free passes for movies... except for GB16... and that wasn't SONY. Let's get ready to review, so hold onto your Kryptonian butts, because the end of the Real Martha is in space, bro! is nigh!

I won't do a play by play because I'm at the movie theater watching the movie and cellphone usage is frowned upon.

The good:
It's a loose emphasis on the word loose adaptation of Flashpoint paradox. At least the twist they have is easier to explain than reverse flash being some dude from the future who comes back and messes with Barry's life.

Michael Keaton's performance as a Batman was superb although the script was a bit weak for him and had some Forced callbacks to lines from the original 1989 Batman.

Sasha Calle did a really great job as Supergirl. She did feel a bit wooden, kinda like Cavill did, but at least she had the justification of being locked up for her entire life unlike her cousin.

Affleck managed to pull off a better performance than in the last two movies he played Batman. I blame the directorial shortcomings of Zack Snyder.

The star of the show was Ezra Miller. They pulled up an excellent performance when playing both versions of Barry Allen. They actually felt like two different people.

The bad: 
It's a loose, emphasis on loose adaptation of Flashpoint paradox. Some of the changes where the twist about Thomas Wayne being Batman, which had a poignant moment for Bruce.

It was a smidge much too much of a comedy. I kind of wish it had been at least 7% more serious.

The ugly:
90% of the CGI...

Final veredict:
The movie is not perfect, and the First Act is a bit too heavy on Exposition. Once Michael Keaton shows up the movie begins to gain traction and the third act while a bit emotional, it felt a little bit weak. All I know is that once it gets to DVD and Blu-ray I'm buying it. It's the end of the dceu and it feels rather fitting. It has some cringy moments but none as cringy as save Martha, Pa Kent suggesting that Clark should've left kids die, Lex Luthor's pee fetish, or his homoerotic candy feeding... not going to go into zsJL territory or we'd be here all day. I have to go to sleep, since I've been awake for 28 hours and ny body is shutting down.

Also, Joss Whedon had the best ending for the DCEU

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