Sep 19, 2021

Yikes! More people are realizing that Scott Neitlich is a jerk!

 The folks at RetroBlasting, a YouTube channel with over 90K subscribers have made a video about our VERY SPECIAL FRIEND and LOYAL READER, Scott Toyguru Neitlich. Because Scott a mysterious and unknown Mattel executive reads this blog to find if I still talk about Scott in order to find dirt about him.

It's a LOOOOOONG Video, there are a few hiccups here and there on some MOTU Lore, like Keldor being Randor's brother being a Neitlich idea, when it was hinted in the 80s. The reason I point this out is that Neitlich has been trying hard to retcon his role IN MOTU History with his Spector "Creative" videos and people are starting to notice... This wasn't me, since I haven't bothered with his videos for the sake of my mental health and for the sake of my eyesight... I'm afraid of rupturing my optic nerve with the massive amount of eye-rolling that Neitlich would cause me.

More people with bigger audiences are noticing the Bullshit from the "Toyguru" and his crowning achievement: Attacking this blog and blaming me for the fall of Mattycollector. This is a glorified personal blog where I rant about toys, movies, videogames, odd news, etc. My audience is LESS THAN 50 PEOPLE, but I destroyed Mattycollector for pointing out my bad experiences with Digital River, or making fun of the incoherent mess that the incompetent "professional writer" made out of MOTU Lore. And no, it's not about me "playing the victim" here. It's about the RIDICULOUSNESS of blaming a TINY, TINY blog, that reaches 20-40 people "for the fall of Mattycollector". If I had 1000 followers one could say I've got some degree of influence in the Fandom. 

I honestly don't know if this will bring in nore readers or not, but I'm honestly not that interested in getting a huge, huge audience... sure, it would be good if I could get my first paycheck for blogging... it's been 12 years and I still haven't reached that $100 minimum to get paid by Google... and I think I might need 13 more years to reach it. What I'm trying to say is that it would be cool to have enough of an audience to get paid, but I'm not doing this for the money. I just do it to vent, have fun, and complain about silly things as a distraction from the more serious stuff...

Also, I watched Shang-Chi rant/review coming soon...


  1. So I've recently only become aware of Scott, and he is a giant jerk. He's been nothing but condescending to me when I questions his statements, and he constantly regurgitates the same old worn out excuses that do not have any play in the toy industry. The dude is 7 years removed from the toy industry, yet he still thinks he's an expert. I've been out of the IT industry for 4 years, if I tried to go back I'd be woefully behind because industries change A LOT in a 2-3 year span.

  2. I'm sorry you had to deal with him. I completely get what you mean with industry changing. He's been almost 10 years away from the Toy business, yet he uses hos role as Former Mattel (disgruntled) Employee as a badge of unquestionable Authority. Not to mention how he excels at Corporate BS non-answering, full of inaccuracies and falsehoods... BuT hE wOrKeD aT mAtElL!
