Sep 10, 2021

Mattel temporarily acquired Sun-Man

 Sun-Man, the main character of a "Compatible with MOTU" line, is now temporarily in Mattel's hands AND A MOTU ORIGINS FIGURE OF SUN-MAN  IS COMING. This is Kind of a good thing, since it acknowledged the importance of having heroes that aren't white. Here's some info on Olmec Toys's founder Yla Eason who made the Toy Company in order to bring a Black Heroic Fantasy Action Figure for her son to play with.

Mattel, will now make a Sun-Man figure. In a way it's really cool to have Sun-Man to be a part of the MOTU Pantheon. At the same time it kinda sucks, since once the deal is over, Sun-Man will no longer be tied to MOTU other than a curious factoid. Yes, I'm going to be a Debbie Downer about this for a single reason... it's an attempt to fix a problem but temporarily. I'm talking about the lack of diversity in MOTU.
Sun-Man adds a character of color, but temporarily, since he is a "guest" like Miyamoto Usagi or Panda Khan were on TMNT. 
NECA had to work a deal with Stan Sakai, creator of Usagi Yojimbo in order to make a figure of Miyamoto Usagi... despite Usagi being a character in the cartoon and toyline. 

Mattel's diversity in MOTU problem is only fixed by *creating additional* non-white characters. Notice that it doesn't say swap character races. Theyhad a new cartoon where they could've added new diverse faces to the lore... instead they race swapped and genderbent characters...

But yes, to have Sun-Man officially acknowledged by MOTU is an amazing thing.

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