Aug 3, 2023

Top 100 action figure props I wanna see part 4: (40-21)

 Me and my big mouth, biting more than I can chew and now I'm stuck making ridiculously long lists that have to be divided in parts...

40: Bonsai trees and accessories:
While this is MAINLY for Martial Arts oriented figures, it can work with other properties... I can see Splinter pruning one to teach Raphael the notions of staying calm. Yes, I know it's echoing Miyagi and LaRusso. I could also see Snake Eyes trimming one while Shipwreck is talking his ass off.

39: CASINO Props:
Slot Machines, Roulette Table, Blackjack table
Card bunches, card hands, single cards... (Le Gambit could pilfer some of the cards as well), piles of chips, stacks of chips, bucket with tokens. 

38: Vault Doors:
They don't have to be functional, but bonus points if they are. They serve as a nice backdrop for some superhero displays. Not to mention if it can be removable, you could display, say Spider-Man holding the door to stop it from squashing JJJ. Or having the door knocked on the floor as Rhino walks over it.

37: breakable "ice structures":
Whether it's a wall, icicles, or even an iceslide. Cryomancers exist in multiple universes and continuities.

36: Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!:
I'm not talking about regulated campfires or Bandai's crazy anime fire attacks. I mean fire in different sizes that you can put on surfaces. You could arrange them in a movie styled gasoline fire trail.

35: statues and topiaries:
I know that baking stores can net you cake toppers that work great as statues. And foam shapes plus flocking can make the weird shaped topiaries. But unless you're getting married or want a cherub, the statue options are limited.  
For the statues and topiaries, I'm leaning more towards mythological creatures like Griffins, Dragons, Manticores, Sphynxes, etc. Taking influence from Mesoamerican, European and Asian Cultures. The Statues could have breakaway pieces. Same thing for the topiaries.

34: Beach Special:
I know I mentioned palm trees in the Castaway set. I want the beach palms to return, coconut shell drinks, a Beachball, a floatation device, coolers, a small radio, a beach umbrella, sunblock bottles, towels. Maybe a fishing pole.

33: Camping:
Yes, I know that there's already some Camping gear available. But it's mostly fancy stuff like camping stoves, chairs, tents.

I want an actual plastic tent (the existing tents are made of paper.) I mean something closer to beach ball vinyl than paper.
 I also want a bit more variety on the tent styles. I'd also like to see more fire starting tools.

32: Thanksgiving Meal:
A set of food items themed around Thanksgiving: couplel of Turkeys (uncarved, carved) various side dishes, plates, cutlery. The only thing not included are the arguments with drunk, racist uncle.

31: Office Break Room Snacks:
Coffee (from overpriced store), office mug, various pastries, an old school electric coffeemaker, and a 5 gallon water dispenser with jug.

30: Medieval Fantasy Signs and waypoints:
I'm thinking of Wooden or stone signposts to use at crossroads, wordless signs to indicate shops, inns, etc. 

29: Modern City Signs:
Traffic signs (stop, yield, do not enter, etc.) Pseudo neon signs for Bars, and other types of shops. Unlike the modular signs that could be used as weapons from a previous entry, these are static and only to be used as backdrop items. But this one is less about the road signs and more about the shops signs. Since these are meant to be display pieces for Adult Collectors signs for peep shows, girls, girls girls, and Triple X stuff (not necessarily too explicit) are welcome. The idea for these is to be able to paint the seedy underbelly of a big city. A place where folks like DareDevil or Punisher would prowl in a Marvel display, The Bat-Family on a DC display, Raphael and Casey Jones on a TMNT display, etc.

28: cyberpunk/futuristic signs:
Like the previous 2 items on this list, the idea is to have signage for "futuristic"/cyberpunk styled signage. Whether it's a "clean" holographic sign inspired by Star Trek, a sign in Japanese and Buroken Engrish like many Cyberpunk series and games, wordless signs representing various shops like bars, weapon shops, etc. That could be used even a long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

27: Holograms and holographic displays:
I know it kinda sounds similar to the previous item, but it's not the same. This is more like directory Maps, information booths, communication devices, and things like that.
The 2D directory Type displays would be similar to a Mall directory crossed with a Videogame HUD mini map. These would be in clear colored plastic with the details etched and painted in contrasting color. There would be a blank "screen" for custom signs. Instructions would give recommendations on what materials to use for them.
Other 3D directory displays could be planet level. Picture a sphere inside an inverted pyramid. Like this: \🌏/ unlike the emoji that shows Earth, the hologram would have a gridded sphere like captain planet's emblem.

The idea that when used for communications it can be used with a "low poly" silhouette of a human a la max headroom crossed witv ps1 graphics ( this would be included in set), or you can pop in a spare head from an action figure as an alternative with better resolution.

26: Alchemy set:
Similar to the Chemistry set mentioned earlier but woth more fantasy styled flasks, cauldrons, potions, and jars with witchy stuff like wings, eyes, etc. Adding some runes, scrolls, ancient tomes, and blue flames for the cauldron couls complete the look.

25: futuristic "glass windows":
Things like an underwater lair, a space station, a high tech training room tend to have clear windows that one can peer inside or outside, depending on the situation. The idea is that you get a couple of windows with various displays you can put on them. They could even be used empty and you can see what'on the back, assuming you attach them to a wall with a window shaped hole.

24: Building themed Rubble and scrap:
Bandai has rock effects and craters in natural terrain, but there isn't much for urban areas. I'm thinking piles of building rubble,  concrete chunks with rebar poking out,  bits of bent and broken metal with shards of glass sticking on it, broken brick pillars,  broken and bent I- beams, etc. The idea is to have 1:12- 1:10 scaled debris from a Michael Bay styled big city action sequence. Paired with other items from the list and existing toys (ie WWE Wrekkin'vehicles), urban chaos where civilians need to be rescued from a huge threat is easy to do.

23: dead trees:
Basically leaveless trees with darkened wood that could be either due to a fire or a ghost forest look. Here a couple of variations would be needed so all trees won't look exactly the same. A few additional dead trunks would be nice.

22: fantasy rubble and debris:
Stone and brick piles of rubble and debris from a monster attack on a castle or town. It could also work as ruins of an abandoned settlement. Piles of hay with wood beams and roofing tiles would be another nice bit of debris, maybe a broken well could help sell the look. Pairing this with some of the fantasy items previously mentioned, a much more better display could be achieved.

21: Arcade pt.2: 
This kit would bring different Machines to complement the Arcade set from part 1:
Token Machine
Dance Game Machine w/interchangeable title cards and screen
Claw Machine
Skeeball Machine
Air Hockey Table
2 Player Arcade game w/ interchangeable title cards and screen.

The token machine is obvious. Change your real money for tokens. The skeeball and claw machines are obvious. So is the air hockey table.
The dance game machine would have 2 reversible title cards and a blank one for custom cards. Suggested game names:
Feel The Rhythm, Danz-Off!, FTR2: Electric Boogaloo! D-Off! XTREEM! 90s Megamix
The screens would be 2 reversible images
One screen showing a still from gameplay (think DDR or Beatmania) the other side would be a winner/loser screen congratulating the winning player.

The other screen would be the Title screen for Danz-Off! XTREEM! 90s Megamix. The other side would have a song selection screen:
Suggested songs
Can't have it my way by Back Alley Cats.
Hi Hi Hi! by De-synch
Leek on a Dish by Maize
 These are obvious parodies to bands and songs from the 90s.

For the 2 player arcade game, reuse title cards from the 2 player arcade game part 1.
Almost done... final 20 are a bit of a pain... remind me to never make a 100 list ever again!

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