Nov 25, 2019

REEEEEEEE! Larson can't pay for Disney +...

After making a buttload of money with Cap'n Meh Vel and Infinity war, the artist known as Cheese Theft, Thank you VEEEERY MUCH! Whined on Ellen about not getting FREE Disney +...

Bitch please, it's $7 a month or 70 for a whole year... I'd understand if you were making $7.25 an hour, but you make thousands of dollars per movie... Sure, you'll try to pass this as a "joke", but you sound like a mega-entitled brat demanding a service that you can EASILY AFFORD for free.

And no, just because you "worked for them" doesn't mean that you have to get this for free. They ALREADY PAID YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Now it's your turn to pay for theirs.

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