May 12, 2020

Super7 and potential Thundercats variants:

Jaga got an update by Super7.

Extra older head, extra hands holding the cloth that made the Thundercats' clothes. No info on a butt nekkid Thundercats set.

But the nifty thing is they have a transparent test Jaga...

it got me thinking: A Spirit Guide Jaga would be an obvious redeco that Super7 could easily do:
I'm aware that in some instances Jaga had the same colors as when he was alive, but most people remember him in shades of gray and blue.

Compared to

I would love to have a translucent Smokey Grey plastic Jaga with his clothing painted in shimmering blue and silver tp simulate his spirit look.

The second obvious variant would be stealth Tygra.
This is literally the Tygra figure in clear plastic.

Third most obvious variant would be Red Mumm-Ra Lion-o doppelganger.

It would be literally Ultimate Lion-o in red.

Sadly I do not have a fourth figure to add in order to complete a wave. Since these figures are meant to be literally repaint with zero new sculpted parts; I cannot make Hammerhand Panthro special enough to warrant a release. Green glow in the dark eyes are not reason enough to release and nearly identical release to the normal Panthro.

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