Jan 20, 2021

Neil Druckmann wants to do a Punisher game

 Infamous Director, 'Nita asskisser, and trollish buffoon, Neil Druckmann wants to do a Punisher game. This is a double edged sword. From a gameplay perspective, Naughty Dog COULD make a kickass Punisher game. The problem lies in the Storytelling portion. His storytelling tends to have a huge disconnect with the gaming portion.  You can't have a "oacifist Frank" who worries about hos actiona as the Punisher,  but on gameplay, you're given tons of ways to assassinate criminals. 

Maybe I'm wrong and Druckmann COULD pull off a kickass Punisher game with a badass story and amazing gameplay. But would it be worth it to make a game that is a complete antithesis of his "magnum opus"? the very same people who praise His creative genius with crucify him...  or worse he could royally screw over Frank worse than he did Joel. The worst part of all this is that I am curious to see what could he do with the Punisher.

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