Jan 12, 2021

Rumors about WB using Joker as a template on how to move forward...

 They stink and I don't like them. I already stated why Joker sucks. Following its footsteps is a GRAVE MISTAKE. While yes The Joker was a good movie from a technical standpoint, the movie is not a movie about the Joker. So, taking a Batman villain and substracting Batman from the equation isn't a good idea. Because on one extreme, you get Catwoman: a movie that sucked due to bad script and directing, not to mention failing at being a "Batman story". On the other hand you get Joker: a soulless movie that fails at being a "Batman story" despite having great directing, writing, and acting.

IF only these movies were made as "Batman stories", maybe I'd be more excited for them. Problem is that they are not. Batman without Batman is just bad and wrong! Let me clarify my position on a "Batman story":
A Batman story is a story that can ONLY BE TOLD in a universe where Batman exists. This doesn't mean that the protagonist is Batman. Let's say the Victor Fries movie:
We have the Origin of Mr. Fries. The while relationship with Nora, her disease, the accident, his first heists/revenge kills before drawing Batman's attention. We don't need to SEE Batman but have his presence felt within the movie. The awful Harley Quinn movie had the right idea, just a horrible execution. If it had bothered to truly make Batman's presence being felt despite him not being available at the moment. Sadly, the writing and directing was bad with the exception of a few action scenes.

Let me get back to the theoretical Fries movie. On Freeze's "final heist" as Mr. Zero, he is hellbent on killing GothCorp's CEO Ferris Boyle, who caused the accident that changed Fries. Batman intervenes and takes Zero's men from the shadows. Would be cool to see these scenes partially in First person view from Batman's perspective. The idea is to have Batman without having A Batman. By that I mean have Batman be played by stuntmen and a voice actor. That way the character isn't tied to a big name actor. Kinda like how they did it on the Birds of Prey TV series.
This wouldn't extend to just Batman, this would also apply to members of the Bat Family. But I'm derailing. Let me go back to Fries. The idea is to tell a Batman story from a different perspective. Another crazy idea: 
A Saw-like Riddler movie where Nygma is playing a cat and mouse game with Batman who has to save hostages from a deadly Riddler trap. The only problem is that one of the hostages is Billionaire Philanthropist, Bruce Wayne. Can Robin figure out a way to trick the Riddler into believing that Batman is the one solving the puzzles  to rescue the hostages as Bruce Wayne is doing the sme but trying to avoid raising suspicion of his peculiar talents. 

This, when done right, could allow DC to build a Cinematic Universe differently from Marvel. Sadly, that will most likely NOT BE the approach. But what do I know? I'm just an asshole with a blog...

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