Iron Man wins! Superior Tech!!
With that you might guess that it's related to Marvel Superheroes, the 1995 Arcade hit and Sequel to X-Men: Children of the Atom. But if you know your Marvel Legends, then you know it's the Retro Series Ironman inspired by the 1990s ToyBiz Ironman line that had merchandise from the cartoon... but this fogure is a tribute or homage to the Capcom games and not just the cartoon.
Spike! Roll the Iron Man intro!
Not that one! The cool one! The one with Tony Rocking his mullet AND with the super hard lyrics:
I! Am!
I! Am! Iron man!
I! Am! Iron man!
*cool guitar riff*
IIII am Iroooooon maaaaaaaaaaan!
Now some Ironman from MSH...
I have to congratulate Hasbro for paying some attention and care on this figure while attempting to cater to two different groups. At the same time, I have to mention that the figure is inaccurate to both sources...
Since this figure is a reuse from the Previous
Modular Armor Iron Man review, let's copy paste. I just realized I inadvertently copied the Iron Man intro gag.
As a Marvel Legends figure, he has standard Articulation for the line. He even has a boot cut. Most of it is reasonably hidden by panel lines and the only "ugly" Articulation point is his waist. I point this out because he has nearly the same articulation as his ToyBiz counterpart, but it's more aesthetically pleasing in the Hasbro figure. Also, I have to point out that the Repulsor hands FINALLY have a hinge on the wrists.
Paint and sculpt
The sculpt part is still mostly the same. It appears that the upper torso was redone to fit in the Unibeam attachment. The paint is what changed here. This time the paint work is heavily inspired by the 1990s toy. It has glossy bright red and bright yellow instead of the gold that the previous figure had.
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The yellow is very bright it's mustard container yellow and the weird thing is that I'm not a fan of yellow on Iron Man but this time it works. Probably because it has this kind of Capcom vibe to it. I can't believe I'm saying this but I like it more than the previous release.
-Toon helmet
-Capcom helmet
-"Superior Tech!" Effect it can KINDA be used as a Capcom Repulsor Blast effect with creative placement.
-"Unibeam" effect
-Toon Mullet head
-Proton Cannon holding hands
-Repulsor blast hands (Repulsor blasts not included)
It's a shame we don't have the standard Hasbro Repulsor blasts since the repulsor blast hands have holes for them.
On its own separate box comes the Proton Cannon in it:
Proton Cannon
Wimpy blast effect.
Seriously, the blast is incredibly wimpy. It's bigger than a normal repulsor blast, but by Proton Cannon standards, it's lame as hell.
It almost looks like desigh was ready to make a decent blast but the bean counters said no.
Retro Iron Man gets a 4.67 as his final score. He's an improvement over the previous MAIM figure, but It could've been better with a bit more stuff. I'm not talking about the shoulder mounted missile launcher or the smart bomb launcher from the Capcom games just to name a few newly sculpted parts that would'vebeencool to have. I'm talking about the overused repulsor blasts. Getting 4 of them (2 for hands and 2 for feet while using one if the many third party stands. It also works for the games since the crouch fierce kick had a repulsor effect.)
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